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Solubility Rules, part 2 | CHEM 1211 - Freshman Chemistry I, Quizzes of Chemistry

Rules for soluble and insoluble ions/elements. Class: CHEM 1211 - Freshman Chemistry I; Subject: Chemistry; University: University of Georgia; Term: Fall 2009;

Typology: Quizzes

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Uploaded on 12/09/2009

megmonty 🇺🇸

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Download Solubility Rules, part 2 | CHEM 1211 - Freshman Chemistry I and more Quizzes Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 1A metals and NH4+ compounds DEFINITION 1 Soluble with no exceptions. TERM 2 Fluorides (F-) DEFINITION 2 Soluble. Exceptions: MgF2, CaF2 SrF2, BaF2, PbF2 TERM 3 Chlorides (Cl-) DEFINITION 3 Soluble. Exceptions: AgCl, Hg2Cl, PbCl2 TERM 4 Bromides (Br-) DEFINITION 4 Soluble. Exceptions:AgBr2, Hg2Br2, PbBr2 Moderately Soluble: HgBr2 TERM 5 Iodides(I-) DEFINITION 5 Soluble. Exceptions: AgI2, Hg2I2, PbI2 Mod Soluble: HgI2 TERM 6 Sulfates (SO4)2- DEFINITION 6 Soluble. Exceptions: BaSO4, PbSO4, HgSO4 Moderately Soluble: CaSO4, SrSO4, Ag2SO4 TERM 7 Nitrates (NO3)- DEFINITION 7 Soluble. TERM 8 Chlorates (ClO3)- and Perchlorates (ClO4)- DEFINITION 8 Soluble. TERM 9 Acetates (CH3COO)- DEFINITION 9 Soluble. Mod Soluble: AgCH3COO TERM 10 Sulfides (S)2- DEFINITION 10 Insoluble. Exceptions: Ammonia and 1A metals and 2A metals
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