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Term 1: Microsoft Office Basics, Quizzes of Computer Science

Definitions for various terms related to microsoft office, including styles, colors, typography, and document properties. Students will learn about the functions of different elements such as the ribbon, mini toolbar, and office button, as well as the use of the alt key and the concept of metadata.

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 10/06/2010

kswauger 🇺🇸

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Download Term 1: Microsoft Office Basics and more Quizzes Computer Science in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 style set DEFINITION 1 A _____ consists of a group of frequently used styles formatted so they look pleasing when used together TERM 2 gray DEFINITION 2 Which of the following colors suggests neutrality TERM 3 False DEFINITION 3 When typing, the insertion point moves to the left, and when the end of a line is reached, it moves downward to the next line TERM 4 gallery DEFINITION 4 As shown in Figure 1-1, a(n) ____ is a set of choices, often graphical, arranged in a grid or in a list. TERM 5 Word window DEFINITION 5 The main elements of the _____ include the Ribbon, Mini toolbar, and Office Button. TERM 6 Metadata DEFINITION 6 is another term for document propertie TERM 7 True DEFINITION 7 Although text cannot be seen once it scrolls off the screen, it remains in the document. TERM 8 ALT DEFINITION 8 Pressing the _____ key on the keyboard displays a Key Tip badge as shown in Figure 1-4. TERM 9 when the insertion point reaches the right margin DEFINITION 9 Press the ENTER key in all of the following circumstances excep TERM 10 Home DEFINITION 10 The ____ tab contains the more frequently used commands
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