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Past Exam 2 with Answer Key - Physical Geology | GEY 111, Exams of Geology

Material Type: Exam; Class: Physical Geology: SC1; Subject: Geology; University: Front Range Community College; Term: Spring 2016;

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Download Past Exam 2 with Answer Key - Physical Geology | GEY 111 and more Exams Geology in PDF only on Docsity! aysical Geology Exam 2 Spring 2016 ultiple Choice entify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Mark the correct answer on your scantron z scantron on last page 1. Minerals that do not possess cleavage are said to possess a. invulnerability e fracture b. massiveness d. solidity 2. When two plates composed of continental lithosphere are pulled together at a convergent boundary, the result is @. collision and mountain formation c. subduction b. a hot spot is formed d. transform faulting 3. Attransform plate boundaries, i a. both earthquakes and volcanoes are common b. neither earthquakes nor volcanoes are common c. volcanoes are common but earthquakes do not occur d. earthquakes are common but volcanoes are absent 4, Igneous rocks ‘ a. form by chemically precipitating from solutions are formed through the freezing or crystallization of a melt are formed by changing existing rock by the application of heat and pressure are formed by depositing loose material into layers aR Ss 5. In general, when rock is partially melted, the chemistry of the melt is a. completely unpredictable (it could be more mafic or more felsic) b. identical to the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted c. more mafic than the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted d. more felsic than the original chemistry of the rock that was partially melted 6. Minerals are all naturally occurring solid substances with a definable chemical composition. They must also possess : a. metallic elements, such as iron, calcium, or magnesium b. a fixed crystalline structure (spatial arrangement of atoms and ions) ) c. metallic luster d. an ability to be synthesized in the laboratory as well as be found in nature 7. With regard to minerals, hardness refers to the ability to resist a. bending b. chemical reactions with other substances c. being scratched d. breaking 10. What properties of the source magma lead to the formation of a shield volcano? any magma composition so long as it contains a large portion of dissolved volatiles low viscosity and mafic composition an intermediate composition magma that encounters seawater in the magma chamber high viscosity and felsic composition eee At which of the following does a famous example of hot-spot volcanism occur? a. the Aleutian Islands of Alaska c. the Andes Mountains b. Hawaii d. Mt. St. Helens, Washington Cleavage in minerals refers to c a. the sharpness of edges between crystal faces b. a tendency to break in an irregular pattern c. the development of well-formed crystal faces d. a tendency to break along planes of weakness Read the list below containing statements about the formation of lava tubes: I. Scientists have observed that active lava flows from the Kilauea Volcano in Hawaii can form a crust on their surface, which can develop into the roof of a tube. II. Measurements from thermocouple probes inserted into lava flows indicate that lava flows can be as warm as 1200° C. Ill. The Lava River Cave near Bend, Oregon is 1588 meters in length. TV. Scientists believe that the Lava River Cave formed approximately 80,000 years ago in an eruption of Mokst Butte. . Which of the following is true: a. All of the statements can be considered c. Statements II and III can be considered scientific data, although only II and III data, the rest are interpretations. are quantitative. b. All of the statements are scientific d. Statement IV is a scientific interpretations, none are data. interpretation, the others are scientific data. Which basic type of plate boundary is shown in the image below? Mid-ocean a. convergent c. transform i@ divergent d. transvergent 26. 27 28. 29. All other factors being equal, intrusive rocks that form deep within Earth than intrusive rocks that cool near the surface. a. contain a smaller proportion of volatiles @ cool more slowly b. are more felsic d. are less dense Due to fractional crystallization and assimilation of surrounding host rock, most magmas that rise slowly through the crust chemically evolve to become . a. increasingly dense c. more mafic b. dominated by nonsilicate minerals @ more felsic All other factors equal, if a body of magma becomes more felsic, its viscosity will a. stay the same ®. increase c. Chemical composition has no effect on viscosity. d. decrease The difference between magma and lava is : a. magma is found at the surface, whereas lava is found below the surface b. There is no difference; the two terms mean the same thing. ¢. magma is found beneath the surface, whereas lava is found at the surface d. magma cools more rapidly than lava A body of rock begins at location A in the figure below. The rock, over a period of time, moves to location B and begins to melt. This is an example of melting due to Temperature (°C) Pressure Ibars x 1,000) Depth tkm) addition of volatiles c. heat transfer decompression (decrease in pressure) d. fractional crystallization ep Use the figures below on the written portion of the test Ie High temperatu (first to crystalli Low temperature (Ee@ asl 2 Felsic Intermediate Mafic Intrusive Granite Diorite Gabbro Extrusive Rhyolite Andesite Basalt 6 ‘EY111 Exam 2 Part 2: Written Name. mily Wright Spring 2016 hort Answer Questions: 1. 3 points: Explain the difference between minerals and rocks. Use Bowen’s Reaction Series and the abbreviated igneous rock identification chart (on the back of the multiple choice handout) to answer the following questions: 2. 4 points: If you are able to identify amphibole (hornblende) in a rock, what other minerals are you likely to find in that rock? 3. 2 points: Suppose that this particular rock has crystals that are large enough to see with the naked eye (about 4 mm or so), what is the name of the rock? 4. 4 points: Explain how the mantle melts and magma is produced at divergent plate boundaries.
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