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MAT 1012 Spring 2009 Test - Unit Conversions and Percentages - Prof. Nancy Molik, Exams of Elementary Mathematics

A test for mat 1012 class held in spring 2009. The test covers unit conversions and percentages. Students are required to simplify their answers and show their work. Questions include converting measurements between different units, writing decimals as percentages, and writing percentages as decimals.

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Uploaded on 08/17/2009

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Download MAT 1012 Spring 2009 Test - Unit Conversions and Percentages - Prof. Nancy Molik and more Exams Elementary Mathematics in PDF only on Docsity! Test 4 MAT 1012 Spring 2009 Name ___________________________ Simplify all answers and show your work! 1) 29 mm = _________ m 2) 3 gallons = _______ qts 3) 4 4 3 ft = ________ in. 4) 160 min = _________ hrs 5) 7.3 kg = ___________ g 6) 21 in = _________ cm (1 in = 2.54 cm) 7) 6 ft 1 in = _________ in 8) 7 lbs 12 oz = _________ lb. 9) 3 m 12 cm = __________ m 10) Write the following decimals as percents: a) 0.09 b) 0.123 c) 2.6 11) Write the following percents as decimals: a) 0.5% b) 16% c) 189.2% 12) Tim weighs 187 pounds. How much does 13) Write as a fraction in lowest terms: Tim weigh in kilograms? (2.2 lbs ≈ 1 kg.) a) 37.5% b) % 3 2 41 14) The low temperature for a day in June is 65o 15) Jerica buys 4 m 25 cm of cord at $1.49 Fahrenheit. What is this temperature in degrees per meter. How much does this cord cost? Celsius? ( 32 5 9 += CF , 9 )32(5 − = F C )
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