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ENTO 2010 Exam: Insect Biology - Prof. Karl Espelie, Exams of Animal Biology

This is a multiple-choice exam consisting of 40 questions related to insect biology, including topics such as insect anatomy, pheromones, symbiotic relationships, and the impact of chemicals on insect populations. The exam also covers the work of notable figures in the field of entomology.

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Download ENTO 2010 Exam: Insect Biology - Prof. Karl Espelie and more Exams Animal Biology in PDF only on Docsity! ENTO 2010 Each question is worth 5 points. 1. The film, Goodbye Mrs. An, was made by Velsicol Chemical Company and a. Rachel Carson b. Entomologists c. E.O. Wilson d. Victor Yannacone 2. Rachel Carson: a. Died of breast cancer in 1994 b. Was trained as an entomologist c. Wrote the foreword to the book, Animal Machines d. All of the above 3. Anthrax is a: a. Parasitoid b. Bacterium c. Virus d. None of the above 4. True/False: There are more insect species that have incomplete metamorphosis than there are insect species that have complete metamorphosis. 5. If a female parasitoid wasp lays an unfertilized egg in a caterpillar, what will be the sex of the insect that develops from that egg? Male 6. A centipede: a. Has one pair of legs per body segment b. Has two pair of legs per body segment c. Breathes with gills d. Has two pair of wings 7. List four types of insect pheromones: 1. Trail 2. Sex 3. Alarm 4. Aggregation 8. Who wrote the book Breasts: A Natural and Unnatural History: a. Paul Muller b. Florence Williams c. Dan Janzen d. E.O. Wilson e. Albert Schwieitzer 9. What is the name of the insect order for which the translation is: “short-lived” “wings”? Ephemeroptera 10. Bombardier Beetles produce: a. Cellulose b. Quinones c. Urea d. DDT 11. True/False: A bird can learn to avoid an aposematic moth. 12. This is a two part question. a. What is the estimate number of insect species in the world? 10-30 million b. How many species of insects have been scientifically described? 1 million 13. Mayfly adults: a. Live one to two years b. Feed on plants c. Have 2 to 3 tails d. Have complete metamorphosis 14. True/False: The sperm counts in 1950 were one half what they are today. 15. To which class do centipedes belong? Chilopoda 16. Who is the scientist who is responsible for our system of binomial nomenclature? Charles Linneaus 17. Beltian bodies are eaten by: a. Acacia ants b. Termites c. Acacia trees d. Mistletoe butterflies 18. What is an insect whose larvae consumes their host? Parasitoids 19. True/False: The Environmental Protection Agency was formed before DDT was banned in the U.S.
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