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General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis I - Exam 1 | CHM 1045C, Exams of Chemistry

Material Type: Exam; Class: Gen Chem with Qual Analysis I; Subject: CHM: Chemistry; University: Valencia Community College; Term: Spring 2007;

Typology: Exams

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Download General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis I - Exam 1 | CHM 1045C and more Exams Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity! CHM 1045 Spring, 2007 Test 1 Name (print)___________________ Show your work for complete (and partial) credit. Report your answers to the correct number of significant figures, and use units where appropriate. 1. a) The Law of Conservation of Mass applies to _________________________. b) What is the Law of Conservation of Mass? State it below. c) How does Dalton's Atomic Theory explain the Law of Conservation of Mass? 2. Carbon and oxygen form two different compounds, A and B. The composition of samples of A and B were determined and are listed in the following table. Show that the data for these two compounds are consistent with the law of multiple proportions. Compound A Compound B Mass of sample analyzed 14.0g 5.5g Mass of carbon in sample 6.0g 1.5g Mass of oxygen in sample 8.0g 4.0g 3. Mixtures can be separated into simpler components by a physical process. Separations take advantage of a difference in a physical property of the components of the mixture. A separation of a mixture of salt dissolved in water by boiling off the water to leave the salt takes advantage of a difference in _________________________. (a physical property) 4. What information is present in a structural formula that is not present in a molecular formula? 5. a) Convert .015000mg to g b) Convert 1.87 x 105mg to kg 6. a) Convert 1.75cm3 to mL (L=dm3, dm=10-1m) b) Convert 2.9cm3 to mm3. 7. Which of the following values equal 0.01cm? Check all that apply. Disregard SF. ___ 1mm ___ 10-4m ___ 10mm ___100μmm 8. Fill in the 4 empty boxes in the following table. Isotope symbol # protons # neutrons # electrons 37Cl 11 12 11 9. Why is the average mass of a naturally-occurring carbon atom, 12.011amu, so close to the mass of a 12C atom, which is 12.000amu exactly? 10. What are the names of the following compounds? K2O CuS 11. What are the names of the following compounds? N2O5 NH4F 12. What are the formulas for the following compounds? sodium sulfide calcium nitrate 13. What are the formulas for the following compounds? iron(III)hydroxide lithium carbonate 14. If the formula for sodium oxalate is Na2C2O4, what is the formula for aluminum oxalate?
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