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Geography Environment Systems Exam 1993 | GEOG 201, Exams of Geography

Hour Exam 1 Material Type: Exam; Professor: Kearney; Class: GEOG ENVRN SYSTMS; Subject: Geography; University: University of Maryland; Term: Fall 1993;

Typology: Exams

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Download Geography Environment Systems Exam 1993 | GEOG 201 and more Exams Geography in PDF only on Docsity! Geography 201 First Hour Exam Name M. S. Kearney Fall 1993 Part I. Multiple Choice. Select the best answer. 2 pts each. 1. The sea breeze occurs when the pressure gradient: a. is intensified at night b. is from the ocean to the land c. is from the land to the ocean d. reaches a zero value 2. The relationship between longitude and time is: a. 180° longitude per 24 hr. b. 15° longitude p>er hr. c. 15° longitude per 4 min. d. 360° longitude per 12 hr. 3. In southeast Asia, summer monsoonal circulation is associated with: a. the Siberian Low b. the Bermuda High c. the Eurasian Low d. the Aleutian Low 4. Relative humidity within a parcel of air decreases when: a. air temperature rises b. condensation takes place c. precipitation occurs d. air temperature falls 5. A rainshadow occurs on the leeward side of a high mountain range because: a. adiabatic warming lowers the relative humidity b. air forced to rise is warmed by the adiabatic process c. condensation on the windward side has a drying effect on the air d. no water remains in the descending air 6. Atmospheric pressure at sea level has a standard value of: a. 27.92 in. b. 1013.2mb c. 30cm d. 10 kg/cm2 7. The diagram below is a vertical cross-section of the eye of a hurricane. The arrows show the general, updraft near the eye wall. Where would be the highest pressure of the locations shown? a. site "a" b. site "b" c. site"c" d. none of the above 8. The pressure gradient force: a. acts parallel with the isobars b. acts at right angles to isobars c. is in the direction from low to high pressure d. coincides with the Coriolis Effect 9. The zone of maximum interaction between warm and cold air masses on a continental scale is known as the: a. doldrums b. polar front c. horse latitudes d. intertropical convergence zone 21. A warm and moist air mass originating at middle to lower latitudes is a ______air mass. a. maritime polar b. maritime tropical c. continental tropical d. maritime equatorial 22. Ice crystals that originate in a cloud and fall to the surface of the earth are called: a. freezing rain b. hail c. sleet d. snow 23. The longest day of the year in Buenos Aires, Argentina, occurs on: a. Dec. 22 b. June 22 c. Mar. 22 d. Sept. 22 24. If the absolute amount of water vapor (the specific humidity) does not change, you would expect to find the highest relative humidity during which of the following times of day? a. 4:30 am b. 6:30 pm c. 2:30 pm d. noon 25. Shown below is a general weather diagram of a typical wave cyclone, Which of the following statements is most true of point "A"? a. temperatures will fall after passage of the front below it b. winds will shift front out of the north/north- west to the south/southeast c. cumulonimbus clouds will form soon ( H d. skies will clear soon Part II. Matching. Choose the best match. 2 pts. each. 26. Which of the following best matches doldrums? a. drizzle b. calms c. dust d. cold front 27. Which of the following best matches stratus? a. continental polar b. saturation level c. warm front d. cold front 28. Which of the following best matches condensation nuclei? a. water droplets b. dust c. westerlies d. albedo 29. Which of the following best matches Canadian High? a. easterlies b. zenith c. cP d. ml 30. Which of the following best matches subsolar point? a. albedo b. equator c. polar zones d. arctic circle Part III. Map Identification Questions. Answer the following questions using the map provided below. 2 pts each. World Mercator 31. The pressure system most likely to be the source of hot humid air masses along the U. S. Atlantic seaboard in summer is the one at: a. "a" b. "b" c. "c" d. "d" e. none of the above 3. On the globe of the earth provided below, list and show the position of the major parallels of latitude involved in seasonal changes in global net radiation. Also give the time of year during which each parallel is most important. 4. Describe the importance of season of the year and time of day on albedo. 10 5. On the globe provided below, show the major global wind systems and pressure belts. If you do it for only one of the hemispheres, indicate how the trades in the other hemisphere differ. 90°N 90°S 11
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