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Review Sheet for PSY 213 Exam: Cognitive, Social, and Physical Development in Adulthood - , Study notes of Developmental Psychology

A review sheet for the 4th exam of psy 213, focusing on cognitive, social, and physical development in adulthood. It covers topics such as cognitive development in middle and late adulthood, self and social development, and physical development in late adulthood. The document also discusses theories of aging and end-of-life issues.

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Download Review Sheet for PSY 213 Exam: Cognitive, Social, and Physical Development in Adulthood - and more Study notes Developmental Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! Review Sheet for 4th Exam (PSY 213) This exam will consist of 40 multiple-choice questions. Exam questions will cover material from lectures and the textbook. As you study for the exam, you might want to make sure you are familiar with material from the following topics: 1. Cognitive development in middle adulthood (e.g., changes in intelligence, expertise) -Crystallized intelligence- refers to skills that depend on accumulated knowledge and experience, good judgment, and mastery of social conventions-abilities acquired bc they are values by the individual’s culture. Remaining facts and accumulated knowledge that gets better with age like remembering skills or procedure from an activity. -Fluid intelligence –Depends more heavily on basic information-processing skills-ability to detect relationships among visual stimuli, speed of analyzing information and capacity of working memory. Like placing scenes from a story in order -Perceptual motor speed gets worse with age like pressing keys on a keyboard might take longer. Also attention declines with age like doing two complex tasks at the same time. Memory also gets worse. -Old people can compensate for losses by learning new tricks or strategies to compensate for sucking at something they were once good at. Schaie longitudinal study- 5 factors of verbal ability, inductive reasoning, verbal memory, and spatial orientation and numeric ability showed modest gains into the 50’s and 60’s but then were followed by modest declines. Late in life fluid factors (spatial orientation, perceptual speed, and number ability) showed greater decrements than the crystallized factors ( verbal ability, inductive reasoning, and verbal memory) Perceptual speed decreases dramatically with age. -People with no chronic..diseases , high ses, those involved with stimulating environments, flexible personalities, higher functioning spouse, and those satisfied with life are personal factors that are related to changes. 2. Self & social development in middle adulthood (e.g., changes in personality, mid-life crises, balancing work/family) - Changes in personality 5 dimensions-often are changes in these dimensions 1.openess-imaginative independent likes variety levels stay the same or maybe goes down little 2. Conscientiousness-organized disciplined, careful, increases with age 3. extroversion-sociable affectionate usually remains the same or drops a little 4. agreeable-softhearted, trusting, helpful, increases with age 5. neuroticism- worried insecure self pitying, decreases -Midlife crisis- self doubts and stress during 40’s and major reconstructing of the personality during the transition to middle adulthood. Minority of adults experience this. - 3. Physical development in late adulthood (e.g., primary & secondary aging, theories of aging, free radicals & antioxidants) -Primary- Natural, universal process of age things that will happen like gray hair, wrinkly skin, and declining function of organs. -Physical- loss density/pigment of hair, muscles are not as strong, weakened skeleton, fat drops, fewer neurons in the brain. Reasons for this are wear and tear as well as cellular aging- as cells reproduce/copy itself. The copy is not as good as the original. Free radical are electrons that pass through the body and damage cells. -Secondary aging- declines due to hereditary defects and negative environmental influence such as poor diet, lack of exercise, disease, substance abuse, environmental pollution, and psychological stress. -Vision- cataracts- foggy vision/blindness, Glaucoma-increased pressure on the eye, senile macular degeneration-dengeration of the retina. -Respiratory problems- emphysema -Arthritis- -Osteoarthritis- joints are inflamed and painful, wear and tear arthritis -Rheumatoid arthritis- autoimmune response that leads to inflammation of connective tissue. Results in deformed joints Social theories of aging 1. Disengagement theory- mutual withdrawal between elders and experiments, and at what ages children reach various developmental milestones. ‘ Lectures and readings combine general descriptions of what children are like at various ages with descriptions of particular experiments. You should know what methods were used in these studies (what did the experimenters show their subjects, how old were their subjects, and what response did they measure?), the results of the study (what did the subjects do?), and the conclusion drawn from the results (what do the results tell us about development?). ‘ In reviewing your readings, pay attention to the questions and chapter summaries provided in each chapter in the textbook. These will help you think about the important issues in each assignment. ‘ As you work through the review sheets, try not to just memorize names and facts and research findings; also try to think of examples from class, the book, videos or your own life. This will help with the more applied types of questions on the exam. (At the same time, keep in mind that answers reflect general findings from research, and sometimes our personal experiences or beliefs sometimes run counter to research findings). Sample QuestionsYYYY Some people refer to a period of unusual anxiety, re-examination and transformation during middle adulthood as a(n) ____________. L. cohort bridge M. ecological niche N. gender trajectory O. midlife crisis _____________ aging is caused by disease, poor nutrition, bad habits, lack of exercise, and/or pollution. P. Secondary Q. Primary R. Geriatric S. Genetic
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