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General Psychology - Exam 1 Form A with Solution Key | PSYC 104, Exams of Psychology

Material Type: Exam; Professor: Holmes; Class: General Psychology; Subject: Psychology (PSYC); University: University of Kansas; Term: Fall 2010;

Typology: Exams


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Download General Psychology - Exam 1 Form A with Solution Key | PSYC 104 and more Exams Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! ih a General Psychology; Professor David Holmes ' M IStQ Fall 2010 Exam 1 Form 1 Lt Please put your NAME & ID NUMBER in the appropriate boxes on your Scantron and fill out the BUBBLES for your name and ID number. Write the number of your formin the box marked “Code.” TEN POINTS will be deducted from the scores of students who do not complete the forms correctly! 1. The first psychological laboratory was founded in Germany by : Sigmund Freud te Ivan Pavlov Ce) Wilhelm Wundt d. James Gestalt 2. If you were an early psychologist and were interested in understanding how experiences helped individuals adapt, you would be taking the approach . a. structural ()) functional c Gestalt humanistic 3. The psychodynamic perspective was cous) originally by which of the following people? a. John B. Watson (LINCOWSC\< Sigmund Freud . Carl Rogers d. Aaron Beck 4. The basic notion of the psychodynamic approach is that behaviors are the result of a. learning/conditioning b. conscious beliefs (oO) unconscious thoughts d. brain chemistry as 5. Which psychological perspective suggests that humans strive for self-fulfillment and are motivated by a basic goodness? a Psychodynamic perspective é b. Behavioral perspective ee Humanistic perspective (yl COG Physiological perspective 6. The notion that our actions are learned (conditioned) is called: a. structuralism oe it b. humanistic perspective Ce) behaviorism SOWO 6. WO? =u d. functionalism %. Psychologists following the Gestalt approach argue that a. it is important to study the adaptive functions of behavior b physiological factors alone drive behavior © experience is best understood when the parts are considered as a unified whole d. mental processes can only be sufficiently studied using introspection 8. Industrial-Organizational psychologists work on all of the following issues expect organization of brain structures b. improving employee moral e. the design of user-friendly equipment d. employee-management relations 9. Hippocrates suggested that differences in behavior were caused by which of the following? Parent-child interaction b. Spiritual forces Cy Levels of bodily humors d. Unconscious conflicts 10. Which of the following methods was used by early psychologists to study mental processes? a. catharsis Go introspection c. hypnosis d. artistic expression Psychologists who do research on the factors that influence interactions among people are called while psychologists who focus primarily on research on how people change over an entire life span are called a. developmental psychologists: social psychologists _b. cognitive psychologists; developmental psychologists c social psychologists; developmental psychologists d educational psychologists; social psychologists A____ isastatement about an expected relationship, which is often a starting, a. point for research b, confound c. independent variable t d-) hypothesis e. case study — In order to examine the effects of drug X on weight loss, Dr. Brown conducted an experiment with three conditions in which the participants either (1) received drug X, (2) received a placebo, or (3) received neither the drug nor the placebo. The weight of participants was measured at the beginning of the experiment and again after the experiment, and weight loss was determined by subtracting participant’s weight at the end of the experiment from their weight at the beginning of the experiment. Both males and females participants were used. What was the dependent variable in this experiment? a. the placebo b. drug X c. the gender of the subjects Cay weight loss In the experiment described above, what was the independent variable? a. the placebo X. drug X c, the gender of the subjects d. weight loss A statistical test was used to compare the weight losses across the three conditions, and that test indicated a probability value of less than .05. That meant that the differences among the conditions were a. important (that is, significant) b. consistent ch reliable d. unimportant (that is, very small) In controlled experiments, the condition in which the independent variable is manipulated is called the a. control condition b. placebo condition © experimental condition d. dependent variable The condition in an experiment in which the independent variable is NOT manipulated is called the @ control condition b. placebo condition experimental condition d. dependent variable What is the biggest problem with correlation research? a. It is really hard to do It costs a lot of money You need lots of participants Correlations do not allow us to draw conclusions regarding cause and effect Bill is convinced that Introduction to Chemistry is a really difficult course because his friend failed it last semester. Bill is basing his conclusion on a a. correlational study b. controlled experiment c. cross-sectional study case study Dr. Wu measures the intelligence of the same group of college professors every five years for thirty years. Which of the following research strategies is she using? a. cross-sectional b. correlation ©) longitudinal d. case study SS 43. 44 45, 46. 47. 48. 49. 51. 53. The two major systems that make up the nervous system include the central nervous system and the nervous system. a. somatic b. parasympathetic © peripheral / d. automatic The brain and the spinal cord are the major parts of the nervous system. a. Peripheral Central & Sympathetic d. Somatic The primary function of the central nervous system is to a. receive information b initiate responses c. interpret information (d, all of the above a primary function of the peripheral nervous system is to Carry information to and from the central neryous system Control the brain and spinal cord c. Prepare humans for the “fight or flight” response d. Reduce physiological arousal The fact that different parts of the brain controls different behaviors is referred to as a. the brain barrier ) localization of function c. structuralization d. the bottom-to-top organization The works to increase one’s arousal, while the works to decrease arousal. oad automatic division; sympathetic branch ~b: somatic division; parasympathetic branch ce parasympathetic branch; sympathetic branch @ sympathetic branch; parasympathetic branch Voodoo death appears to be the result of the a. over-reaction of the hippocampus Gy over-reaction of the parasympathetic branch Xd parasymp: © under-reaction of the pituitary gland d. under-reaction of the amygdala Generally speaking, the brain is organized in such a way that the structures are responsible for more complex activities, while the structures are responsible for more primitive functions. a. lower; higher _b. medulla; amygdala é. medulla; frontal lobe Ch higher; lower The practice of identifying an individual's characteristics by measuring lumps on his/her skull was called a) phrenology b. lateralization of function c localization of function d. functional area identification Which of the following is NOT part of the brain stem a. reticular activating systems (b.) cerebellum G medulla d. pons In the case study “A Case of Pain, Morphine, and a Peaceful Death,” the morphine that was given to the patient had an effect on what specific area of the brain? a. Cerebellum b. Amygdala c. frontal lobe medulla wn a 56. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. The generates arousal and the carries that arousal to the higher levels of the brain. “a> amygdala; ascending reticular activation system b. medulla; cerebellum CED medulla; ascending reticular activating system. Ne amygdala; medulla The primary function of the cerebellum is to ann maintain homeostasis bl coordinate movement c connect the brainstem to other parts of the brain d. control aggression Damage to your cerebellum most likely results in inability to control body temperature inaccurate movements inability to transmit information to different brain structures intense emotions pegs Which of the following is NOT part of the limbic system? = thalamus b. hippocampus hypothalamus d. amygdala What disease was specifically mentioned in the readings as a result of deterioration of the hippocampus? a. Multiple Sclerosis wb. Huntington’s Disease c. Parkinson’s disease @) Alzheimer’s Disease Deterioration of the myclin sheath results in which disorder? CD Multiple Sclerosis b, Huntington’s Disease c. Parkinson’s disease d. Alzheimer’s Disease The primary role of the hippocampus is the @ processing information for storage in long-term memory " starting or initiating movements Gi controlling rage or aggression d. transmitting information from one side of the brain to the other What brain structure is involved in the processing of memories of emotional events? a. frontal lobe b. temporal lobe ) amygdala d. thalamus If you ingest a stimulant such as caffeine and your hands begin shaking, it is possible that the stimulant is having an effect on your a. amygdala b. medulla (c.) basal ganglia d. thalamus Which of the functional areas of the brain is more developed in humans than in other animals? a. Motor \b.) Association c. Sex d, Auditory The auditory sensory area is located in the a. occipital lobe & parietal lobe temporal lobe frontal lobe 6 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Ws 72. 74, Vision is located primarily in the _ lobe. a. frontal b. parietal 2 occipital d. temporal Motor area is located in the a. occipital lobe b. temporal lobe c. parietal lobe © frontal lobe The two hemispheres of the brain are connected by the , and that structure tends to be larger in a. hippocampus, women b. corpus callosum, men &, ventricles, men @ corpus callosum, women Jane can’t identify her friends from their faces, and she is also emotionally flat. It is most likely that she has had a stroke in her nit on) a. brain stem c cerebellum right hemisphere emotion, left hemisphere Mark is chronically anxious despite the fact that there is nothing in his environment that should be causing anxiety. It is likely that Mark has a problem with the functioning of his . a. amygdale b. right hemisphere @& inhibitory neurons d. corpus callosum In your somatosensory area, which of the following structures has the largest representation? Fingers b. Toes c. Abdomen d. Elbow Transmission of the nerve impulse down the axon is a(n) process, and transmission of the impulse across the synapse is a(n) process. fay electrical, chemical te chemical, mechanical C chemical, electrical d:-— gas, mechanical The structures that receive stimulation from other neurons are the a. axons b. synapses 3) dendrites Ae myelin sheaths The nerve impulse will travel as much as 12 times faster in an axon that than in an axon that a. responds to sodium, responds to potassium “b) has a myelin sheath, does not have a myelin sheath c. has closed potassium channels, has open potassium channels d. does not have nodes of ranvier Ifa cat has one eye covered and therefore cannot see with that eye, over time | Ca) the axons associated with that eye will be pruned back. ‘b. the cat will develop more axons for that eye because of brain plasticity. ©. nothing will happen to the axons for that eye. d. the dendrites for that eye will deteriorate. After a stroke, individuals may regain functions that were originally lost due to the death of neurons. That occurs because of a. neural pruning b. growth of new axons ( brain plasticity d. regrowth of the myelin sheath
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