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Exam 2 with Solution - Cell and Molecular Biology | BIOL 2104, Exams of Cellular and Molecular Biology

Form A Material Type: Exam; Class: Cell and Molecular Biology; Subject: Biological Sciences; University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University; Term: Unknown 1989;

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Download Exam 2 with Solution - Cell and Molecular Biology | BIOL 2104 and more Exams Cellular and Molecular Biology in PDF only on Docsity! BIOL 2104 Exam 2 FORM A 0754 9 AM Name: SSN: Multiple choice questions 1-20. INDICATE YOUR ANSWERS ON THE OP-SCAN SHEET (3 pts. each) 1, Which of the following occur in the nucleolus? not covered this time a. scription of (RNAs , b. tanstipton of mRNAs c translation « of RNAs d.aandc m e, all of the above en 2. Which of the following are routinely imported into the nucleus? not covered yet a, transcription, factors b. mRNAs ce, fRNAs d.aandb e. all of the above 3. DNA is euchromatic during: a. replication b. transcription. c. repair Ou of the above e. none of the above 4, Which of the following are transposable lements? covered last time . a. SINES™. a b. open reading frames. (OREs) : c. promoters é d.aand b. ° . e.aandc fo SSN: 5. Which of the following teghffiques are used to map(localize) genes to chromosomes? covered last time “ a. RNase protection asSay b. FISH | ce. DNA foo ting d.b and c. ee e. all of ‘the above 7 6. Which of the following enzymatic activities are required for DNA replication on the lagging strand? (a/nuclease b, kinase c. phosphatase d.aandb e. all of the above 7. Topoisomerase possesses which of the following enzymatic activities? °"D. kinase c. polymerase d.aandc e.bandc 8. Homologous recombination may occur during which of the following cellular events? a, replication b. transcription c, translation 9. Antibody diversity is’ generated by: covered last time a. trans splicing of mRNAs b. duplication of immunoglobulin genes c. rearrangement of immunoglobulin genes d. all of the above e. none of the above SSN; 20. The secondary and tertiary structures of a protein are dictated by: a, the ribosomes b, the RER (rough endoplasmic reticulum) c. molecular chaperones a) the primary sequence of the protein e. none of the above Short answer questions. MARK YOUR ANSWERS DIRECTLY ON THIS SHEET. (3 pts each) 21. Name two functions of the nuclear lamina. not covered in this section 22. What happens at each of the three temperature steps of the polymerase chain reaction? already covered 23. What is the function of telomerase? Name a cell that possesses telomerase activity. 24, Name two markers (not techniques) used in mapping genes to chromosomes. nn X a covered in last’section 25. Name two ways in which genetic testing may impact our everyday lives. SSN; 26. What is a consensus sequence? 27. What are DNA microarrays (gene chips) and what impact do you think they will have on the field of molecular biology? 28. Compare and contrast the advantages of RNase protection assays and Northern analysis. 29. What is the purpose of the secondary antibody in Western analysis? 30. What is the role of ubiquitination of proteins? SSN: 31. Short Essay Answer only one of the following (10 pts). MARK YOUR ANSWER DIRECTLY ON THIS SHEET. A. You are trying to understand the genetic basis for a heritable disease in which individuals are addicted to rocky road ice cream. The disease exhibits classic Mendelian behavior, suggesting there is a single gene responsible. You have access to cells and DNA samples from a large number of families in which some individuals have this disorder. How will you go about mapping the gene responsible for this disease? covered in last exam B. You are trying to understand the molecular basis for a disease in which individuals are addicted to rocky road ice cream. Physicians tell you that affected individuals have reduced basal levels of fluffase, and enzyme that breaks down the little marshmallows in the ice cream. How will you approach the task of determining where along the central dogma the molecular defect lies?
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