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40 Questions on Biology of Populations and Communities - Old Exam 1 | BIOS 101, Exams of Biology

Material Type: Exam; Professor: Molumby; Class: Biology of Populations and Communities; Subject: Biological Sciences; University: University of Illinois - Chicago; Term: Summer 2001;

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Download 40 Questions on Biology of Populations and Communities - Old Exam 1 | BIOS 101 and more Exams Biology in PDF only on Docsity! BIOS 101 Dr. Molumby NAME: Summer 2001 SECTION #: Exam 1 INSTRUCTOR (TA): Multiple Choice Questions (worth 2 points each) Questions 1-6: refer to the following alternatives: INTERACTION 1: Several species of barnacles live on the head, flukes, and tail of large baleen whales. They obtain an ideal environment for feeding, and relative safety from predation. The reproductive output of whales is not affected by the barnacles. INTERACTION 2: Wax moths live in the nests of honeybees. Their larvae eat the stored honey of the bees, as well as the larvae of workers and reproductive honeybees. The adults mate and disperse to lay eggs in new nests. INTERACTION 3: The foraging and activities of Hippos stir silt into the water column. As a result, these bodies of water are unsuitable for many species of fish and small invertebrates. INTERACTION 4: Hyenas and Lions prey on antelopes, zebras, and gazelles in African Grasslands. Lions frequently chase Hyenas away from a kill, and take it for themselves. INTERACTION 5: Trychogramminid wasps oviposit into scale insect eggs. Their larvae emerge and eat the contents of the scale insect egg. They then mate and disperse to find new patches scale insects. INTERACTION 6: The red flour beetle, Triboleum confusum, and the beetle Orzymyra sp. both live in, and eat, stored flour. Red flour beetle larvae eat the eggs and larvae of their conspecifics, as well as Orzymyra larvae. In mixed species cultures, Triboleum always drives Orzymyra extinct. 1. Which is an example of amensalism? A. Interaction 1 B. Interaction 2 C. Interaction 3 D. Interaction 5 E. Interaction 6 2. Which is an example of commensalism? A. Interaction 1 B. Interaction 2 C. Interaction 5 D. Interactions 1 and 2 E. None of the above 3. Which is an example of competition? A. Interaction 4 B. Interaction 5 C. Interaction 6 D. Interactions 4 and 6 E. Interactions 4, 1, and 6. 4. Which is an example of competitive exclusion? A. Interaction 4 B. Interaction 5 C. Interaction 6 D. Interactions 4 and 5 E. Interactions 4, 5, and 6. 5. Which is an example of interference competiton? A. Interaction 4 B. Interaction 5 C. Interaction 6 D. Interactions 4 and 6 E. Interactions 4, 5, and 6. 6. Which is an example of a parasitoid? A. Interaction 1 B. Interaction 6 C. Interaction 5 D. Interactions 1 and 5 E. None of the above Questions 7-10 refer to the following alternatives. A. Coniferous Forest (Taiga) B. Deciduous Forest C. Desert D. Grassland E. Chaparral 7. This biome is characterized by seasonal drought, occasional fires, and grazing by large mammals, all of which prevent woody shrubs and trees from invading and becoming established. The soils tend to be thick and nutrient-rich, and the roots of perennial plants are often very deep. Biome present in Oklahoma, central Asia, etc.. 8. This biome is characterized by stands that typically consist of only one or a few species of evergreen trees, often so dense that little undergrowth is present. Heavy snowfall may accumulate several meters each winter, releasing a great deal of water in spring. Biome present in much of Canada, Siberia, etc.. 9. Where perennial vegetation is present in this biome, it is sparse, consisting of widely scattered drought-resistant shrubs and succulents. Periods of rainfall are marked by sudden and spectacular blooms of annual plants. Biome present in Western Austrailia, North Africa, etc.. 10. This biome is characterized by wet, mild winters and dry summers. Fire-resistant, evergreen, woody shrubs dominate. Biome present in California, South Africa, etc. Questions 11 – 13 refer to the following. An island in the Gulf of Cortez is approximately circular, with a radius of 10km. There is no emmigration or immigration. In a mark-recapture study of a rattlesnake population, 210 snakes captured, banded, and released. In a second capture, 375 snakes were captured. 12 of these had marks. 11. What is the approximate number of rattlesnakes in this population? A. 585 B. 6563 C. 375 D. 78750 E. 4100 27. The total amount of energy that plants assimilate by photosynthesis is called; A. Gross Primary Production B. Net Primary Production. C. Respiration D. Pyramid of Energy. E. Transpiration 28. The major reservoir of nitrogen is: A. the atmosphere B. rocks and soil C. living organisms D. the ocean Questions 29-30 refer to the following food web: Trout Dragonfly Larvae Damselfly larvae Tubificid worms Amphipods Ostracods Daphnia Detritus Coontail Filamentous Algae Unicellular Green Algae 29. In this food web, amphipods are: A. Detritivores B. Producers C. Primary Consumers D. Secondary Consumers. E. Tertiary Consumers 30. Which species would you expect to have the highest biomass? A. Filamentous Algae B. Amphipods. C. Dragonfly Larvae D. Trout 31. Which of the following species can fix carbon from the atmosphere? A. Cyanobacteria B. Amphipods. C. Dragonfly Larvae D. Trout E. None of the above 32. As a keystone predator, the California sea otter: A. Competitively excluded other predators from the community B. Maintain species diversity by preying upon a herbivore that prevented the establishment of kelp forests. C. Acted as a primary producer. D. Maintained diversity by preventing the establishment of kelp forests. E. All of the above. 33. The recovery of a forest following a fire is an example of: A. Self-Annihilation B. Secondary Succession C. Primary Succession D. Degredation E. None of the above 34. The competitive exclusion principle states that: A. interference competition will prevail over exploitation B. larger species tend to replace smaller species C. species with the higher productivity will win D. no two species can exist for long exploiting the same limiting resource in the same manner. 35. Which is true regarding succession? A. Climax species permit early-successional species to colonize the disturbed environment B. Pioneer species may modify the environment and permit the establishment of late- successional species. C. Via inhibition, predator species permit several prey species to coexist D. During early stages, competition is more intense than in later stages E. All of the above are true Short Answer (Worth 6 points each) 36. List and define at least 6 of the 7 general characteristics of a community defined in lecture: 1.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 2.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 3.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 4.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 5.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 6.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 37. List and define at least 6 of the 7 emergent properties of populations described in lecture: 1.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 2.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 3.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 4.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 5.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 6.______________ ______________________________________________________________ 38. Describe the role of disturbance in maintaining biodiversity. 39. Contrast commensalism and parasitism, and give an example of each interaction. 40. Explain why energy is lost with each trophic interaction, and how this might affect the biomass of organisms on the top of the food chain.
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