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Solved Exam 1 - Geological Disasters | CEE 4554, Exams of Natural Resources

Exam I Material Type: Exam; Professor: Glynn; Class: Natural Disasters; Subject: Civil and Environmental Engin; University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University; Term: Fall 1998;

Typology: Exams

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Download Solved Exam 1 - Geological Disasters | CEE 4554 and more Exams Natural Resources in PDF only on Docsity! feo * 20F +. ¥20 Geological Disasters Joa Exam I za 1 September 17, 1998 Choose the best answer for the following: 1. Joe Schmoe is 65 and has just retired and bought a beautiful home on the beach of a barrier island off the coast of North Carolina. He feels pretty safe because the chance that a hurricane will come along and destroy his home is 0.01 (1/100) per year. However, he will probably live there for at least 20 years and a hurricane could destroy it in the first year @pin the second year 4p or in the third year, etc. What is the probability that his home will be destroyed by a hurricane re he moves into a nursing home at the age of 85? d.o1 4 ° 15 = 0.2 4, 80/100 = 0.8 (em z 1/100 = 0.1 5. 0.01/20 =0.0005 ” 65/100 =0.65 20 2. Joe’s sister, Flo Schmoe, also recently retired and bought a house on the same barrier island? However, Flo is a very cautious person and chose a home on higher ground which reduced its tisk of destruction by 1/Z@nd)she had the house constructed to meet advanced hurricane resistant standards and that reduced the risk again by 1/2. What is the risk that Flo’s house will destroyed by a hurricane in any one year. - - opi 00 = 0.015 4.1/2=0.5 - 4/100 = 0.04 5. 25/10,000 = 0.0025 3. 100/2 = 50 3. FEMA is the acronym for L. Free Environment Management Association. 2, Federal Energy & Mining Administration. 3. Fight Environmental Misfortunes Actively 4, Federal Environmental Management Administration. OF ederal Emergency Management Agency 4. The mucocilliatory escalator moves particles from the lungs. 4. is found in some department stores. . catries ore out of some mines. _ 5. raises the pH of rainwater. 3, raises the risk of dust exposure, 6. is speeded up by smoking cigateties. 5. The part of the earth that moves as rigid plates that include the earth’s crust is the 1. hydrosphere. 4. atmosphere. 2. biosphere. G@lithosphere. 3. asthenosphere. 6. tectosphere. 6. Plate (or global) tectonics does not explain the earth’s compositon, 4. the location of many volcanoes. 2, mountain building. 5. the location of mid-ocean ridges, 3. the location of many earthquakes. 7. quakes don’t kill, fires do. 4, landslides do. 2) shaking does. €)buildings dQ. 3. subduction does. No 8. An x-ray diffractometer is used to identify minerals. 4, visualize subducting plates. . find earthquakes. 5. look for dust in human lungs. 3. look inside volcanoes. 6. make pictures of smal! dust particles. 9. The outer core of the earth ts made of basalt. 4. is mostly gas. is a liguid. 5. is very cold. . is part of the asthenosphere. 10. We organize our thoughts about a subject using 1. three subject notebooks. 4. quantitative equations. ‘ 2. computers. Oymodels. ~ 3. textbooks. Controllable 4 e - a oo Observable 1\-The diagram above is used to illustrate he risk of natural disasters. 4, the economic impact of natural disasters. 2, the emotional impact of disasters. 5. the amount of preparation needed for disasters the psychological preception of disaster risk. 12. What part of the diagram contains disasters that cause the most fear for most people? 1%. Piate (global) tectonic theory predicts that Rue LT 1 earthquakes occur mostly at plate boundaries. , elastic stresses couple the atmosphere to the Gulf Current causing hurricanes. 3. earthquakes occur mostly in the earth’s mantle, 4, earthquakes are produced by rock strain. 5. earthquakes are produced when elastically deformed rocks break and snap back to their original shape. 14. Tectonic plates 1, are created at subduction zones. @are destroyed at subduction zones. 2. are conserved at subduction zones. _5. are conserved by continents. 3. are unaffected by earthquake activity. 15. Bvaporation.of liquid water eleases heat? 4, causes cooling. consumes oxygen. 5. causes atmospheric convection. causes volcanic eruptions. 16, The earth’s weather is driven by solar energy. 2. volcanic eruptions. 3. oceanic currents. 4, global tectonics. 5. hurricane events.
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