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7 MCQs with Answer Key - Midterm Exam - Evolution | BIO 188, Exams of Theory of Evolution

Material Type: Exam; Professor: Holland; Class: Evolution; Subject: Biological Sciences; University: California State University - Sacramento; Term: Summer 2012;

Typology: Exams


Uploaded on 05/03/2013

harmeenbassi 🇺🇸

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Download 7 MCQs with Answer Key - Midterm Exam - Evolution | BIO 188 and more Exams Theory of Evolution in PDF only on Docsity! exh - alanhatlls OZ) = 6 OK E 7K EBV% 1 XZ X 4 ee —_———— —__— i) W c-0E * 71 (4 xZo4 xXx W 9-01 * €r'9 (a ° ° \ W ¢-01 * 66 (9 At + ee < 240g W z-01 * 067 (8 pd) =90 ut i a\e “gHOL * GHZ = Ceq 105 dsy -yayem aand ur Zyeg Jo Aqyiqnyos zepour ayy auTUTra}aq] (Z aseq Suo.js pure pre Suogys jo yes [eyNaU (3 €HN Jo sisdjorpAy Jo asnevaq otseq (Gd -1D Jo sisAjorpAy jo asnesaq opie (9 IDH 0 sisAjorpAy jo asneoaq orpioe (8 (be) CHIN Ua paren SEIDH ‘Ay pue yeaynau Jo d1seq ‘Spr st yurod aouateambo atp ye UOYNTos arp LeEYM auTULrajep “UOHeIA Burmoyyoy ay} 10, (9 “Mojo TeurS1z0 sy sdaay IoyeoTpur ayy, (3 sored (a aanyxtur Moyjad~pas (9 a8ues0 (9 HO W 02'0 MoyNyos urmoyjoy ayy Ur aurnsse T[PM OPEOYPUT dy} LOJOo yey a}eIg “0's 01 9'9 WO ABUL Fyd aUy UT pas o} MOTTA Woy sadULYD 1OyLO!PUT pod [OURYd (s Pe anay, (wv “aseq Suoys-pioe SuoNs e [LM UeYR aAINd UOY LAH & Jo VOLES LIHIBA TOBUOT & aonpoid |[LM aseq Suons-ppe yee y (7 -2¥Os pue (be)+z/h(€HIN)AO] (3 £HN (d aS (be)+zlH(€HN)ND] (8 -zos (v (be)-zhos + (be)4z[h(EHN)AO] = (be)EHIN¢ + (S)POSND EP!v s1M2] v Se s]e UOILaI SUIMOT[OJ OU] UT satoads yorum (€ “sple SIMA] are adoqe ay} Jo BUN (3 aueyjow (q aueijaut os0yonn (9 “aN eruoumure (g Va \ eploe sIMaT b st Burmolfos ayy JO YORUM (Z saqroay) sima’] ayy pue AIMo]-paysugag ay yIog (3 sayioayy AIMO]-paysumig ayy pue sntuayrry ayy io (Gd Aroayy snuayszry ayy Aquo (9 ‘ Aroarpy AImoJ-paysuPrg ayy Ayuo (g 1UT JUaTayUT st suojord ar1OUL 10 aUO BuTUTeJVOD saPads Io +} 0} poy] Jou pre ue Jo ydaouos ayy (T
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