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DSPM Final Exam Review: Factoring, Solving Equations, and Graphing, Exams of Algebra

A review of various mathematical concepts including factoring, solving equations, and graphing linear equations. It includes exercises on factoring expressions, simplifying expressions, evaluating expressions, and graphing linear equations.

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Download DSPM Final Exam Review: Factoring, Solving Equations, and Graphing and more Exams Algebra in PDF only on Docsity! DSPM 0800 FINAL EXAM REVIEW Factor out the greatest common factor. 1) 24m 9 - 60m 6 - 72m 3 2) 32m 8 + 12 m 5 + 20 m 3 Factor by grouping. 3) 15a3 + 10 a2b + 18 ab2 + 12 b3 4) r3 + r2 + 5r + 5 Factor completely. 5) x2 - x - 72 6) x2 - 6x - 55 7) x2 + 2 xy - 15y2 8) x2 + 13 x + 14 9) 12y2 + 17 y + 6 10) 15x2 + 22 x + 8 11) 18x2 - 78x - 60 12) 10x2 - 35x - 20 13) 49x2 - 64 14) 4y4 - 81 Solve the equation. 15) x2 - x = 90 16) 5x2 - 30x + 40 = 0 17) 15m2 - 9m = 0 18) 9y 2 + 12 y + 4 = 0 19) 4k2 - 64 = 0 20) 21n2 + 63 n = 0 Simplify the expression. Use positive exponents. Assume variables represent nonzero real numbers. 21) x8  x2  x8 22) 25  23  22 23) 3p4v3 s2 3 24) -22 6 Evaluate. 25) (-7)0 - 70 26) 110 + 7 0 27) 5 6 -2 28) (-3)-4 Write the number in scientific notation. 29) 7,583,040 30) 179.6 1 Perform the indicated operation. 31) (7n6 - 9n - 7n4) + (3n4 + 7 n6 - 7n) 32) (5n6 + 2 n + 5 n4) + (-2n4 + 8 n6 + 7 n) 33) (6n6 + 15 n3 + 10 ) - (-6n3 + 8 n6 + 4 ) + (n7 + 7 ) Find the product. 34) (2x + 11 )(x + 5 ) 35) (-11 + x)(3x - 6) 36) (5 m + 2 )2 37) (10 x + 9 y)2 38) (12 p + 5 )( 12 p - 5 ) 39) (2 m - 5 w)(2 m + 5 w) Find the intercepts for the graph of the equation and graph. 40) 3x + y = 6 41) 2x + y = -8 Graph the linear equation. 42) x = -7 43) 3x = y - 4 Solve the equation. 44) -9b + 1 + 7 b = -3b + 6 45) -3a + 5 + 4 a = 13 - 26 46) 2 5 x - 1 3 x = 5 47) 2 5 x - 1 3 x = 6 Solve the formula for the specified variable. 48) V = 1 3 Bh for B 49) A = 1 2 bh for b Solve the problem. 50) Mardi received an inheritance of $ 60,000 . She invested part at 12% and deposited the remainder in tax-free bonds at 8%. Her total annual income from the investments was $6800 . Find the amount invested at 12%. 51) Walt made an extra $10,000 last year from a part-time job. He invested part of the money at 6% and the rest at 9%. He made a total of $690 in interest. How much was invested at 9%? 2 hd04S
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