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General Astronomy - 25 Multiple Choice Questions Exam 2 | ASTR 101, Exams of Astronomy

Exam 2 Material Type: Exam; Professor: Deming; Class: GENERAL ASTRO; Subject: Astronomy; University: University of Maryland; Term: Fall 2002;

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Download General Astronomy - 25 Multiple Choice Questions Exam 2 | ASTR 101 and more Exams Astronomy in PDF only on Docsity! NAME SECTION ASTRONOMY 101 - DEMING Fall 2002 Exam II (100 pts,) READ THIS COVER SHEET NOW I!!! 1. You should have a blank answer scan sheet. USE PENCIL ONLY. 2. Write your name in the appropriate section of the scan sheet Blacken the corresponding spaces carefully. 3. Write your section number in the BIRTHDATE section. 4. Place a number _1_ in box A of the IDENTIFICATION NUMBER section of the answer sheet, and then put your student ID number in boxes B through j_. Blacken the corresponding spaces carefully. 5. Write the color of your exam WULi'i'K in the special codes sectioa 6 DO NOT OPEN YOUR EXAM UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO. 7. This exam contains 30 questions. 8. Turn in scan sheet and question booklet at end of exam. 9. Please remain seated. There will be leave times at 11:45,12:00, and 12:10. Dismissal time is 12:15 and all papers will be collected then, I pledge on my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance on this examination, _________________________________________Signature 6. Given positions of stars A and B in the spectroscopic binary shown below, which spectrum showing the H Alpha and H Beta absorption lines would represent the binary star's spectrum at this time? XL. "StarE direction to Earth Star A A 6563 A B A. B B D B A V 7. Using the Bohr atomic model representation, which atom has just absorbed a photon? Indicate A or B or C ®-=proton ^electron A B C 8. Interstellar dust lying between a star and an observer on Earth will cause the star to appear A. dimmer and redder. B. dimmer and bluer. C. brighter and redder. D. brighter and bluer. E. unaffected due to the wavelength of visible light. 15. A gigantic solar flare occurred on the Sun this morning. Mrs. Deming was excited and told her ASTR 101 class to expect (if it is clear) A. a full moon tonight. B. an eclipse. C. a meteor shower. D. an aurora. E. dangerous cosmic rays. 16. Emission nebulae, like the North American Nebula, appear red due to emission by hydrogen atoms A. as electrons move: from level 2 to level 3. B. as electrons move: from level 3 to level 2. C. as the electrons break completely free from the nuclei. D. due to the electrons and protons colliding. E. as fusion begins in the cloud. 17. If you were thrown onto the surface of Mars without a spacesuit, what would be your most likely cause of death? A. You would be crushed to death by the high atmospheric pressure. B. You would slowly freeze to death. C. You would suffocate and have problems dealing with the low atmospheric pressure. D. Volcanic activity would bury you. E. Hungry martian microbes would eat you. 18. At the center of the Crab Nebula supernova remnant in Taurus lies a A. white dwarf. B. planet. C. black hole. D. pulsar. E. protostar. 19. Jupiter's ring was first detected A. by Galileo with Ms telescope. B. when Voyager flew by Jupiter. C. using a radio telescope. D. using the Hubble Space telescope. E. by amateur astronomers as they watched the comet hit Jupiter. 20. The peak or maximum wavelength that you are emitting right lies in which portion of the electromagnetic spectrum? A. X ray B. ultraviolet C. visible D. infrared E. radio 21. The protons and neutrons in a helium nucleus are held together by the A. gravitational force. B. electromagnetic force. C. strong nuclear force. D. chemical force. E. all of the above. 22. The classroom demonstration in which a student was placed in the spinning chair with weights was meant to show what happens A. as a neutron star collapses and its rotation speeds up. B. when gravity is balanced by rotation. C. when a fast-spinning object ejects matter into space. D. as weightlessness takes control. E. to stars in a binary system when one explodes. 23. Radio waves have ____wavelength and ___photon energy when compared to visible light. A. the same; the same B. shorter; greater C. shorter; less D. longer; greater E. longer; less 24. A comet's perihelion distance is 1 AU from the Sun. Its aphelion distance is 20 AU. How does the intensity of sunlight compare at these two distances? A. It is 20 times less at aphelion. B. It is 20 times greater at aphelion. C. It is the same at both perihelion and aphelion. D. It is 400 times less at perihelion. E. It is 400 times greater at perihelion. 25. Mizar in Ursa Major, the Big Dipper, has been studied by astronomers using a spectrograph. Spectral studies have revealed A. that Mizar is a quadruple star system. B. that Mizar is a triple star system. C. that Mizar has a blue shift and is moving away from us. D. that Mizar has a red shift and is approaching us. E. that there is no hydrogen present in Mizar. SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS (50 pts.) Using what you have learned in ASTR 101, answer the following questions completely. 26. a) Describe and account for the physical changes that we see from Earth as a comet approaches the Sun. (3 pts.) b) Asteroids have been photographed by spacecraft. Describe what one looks like. (2 pts.) c) Earth and Venus were very much alike in their past. Both planets had considerable carbon dioxide released into their atmospheres by volcanic activity. Where is the carbon dioxide today on Venus? What happened differently on Earth? (4 pts.) EXTRA CREDIT (2 pts. max) Would you classify Pluto as a planet or as a Kuiper Belt Object? Explain your answer. NAME____________ Section___ 29 a) What determines whether or not a star explodes as a supernova? Explain the events that lead up to the actual explosion. (4 pts.) b) Describe what is left of the star after the supernova. (Mention both possibilities and what determines what you get.) (3 pts.) c) With the aid of a labeled sketch, explain how the observations of pulsars are produced. (4 pts.) NAME____________ Section_______ 30. Given the HR Diagram., answer the following questions (1 pt. each part 'unless noted): 10" Luminosity 102 (solar luminosities) I .. If)'2 - 10' * :*'^i-s?r'- " '• .* .' ' v v":^':?v'4M;.:.., •t T^-F Spectral Type G K MO B i a) The Sun's coordinates on the HR Diagram are: luminosity = ____ and spectral type = ____. b) Indicate on the HR Diagram above where you would find a. red giant star with the letter X. c) The axis labeled spectral type could also be labeled ___________________. d) Indicate where you would find a 30 solar mass main sequence star with the letter Y. Why would an astronomer state that this star must be relatively young? (4 pts.) e) Why must a white dwarf star contain less than 1.4 solar masses? (2 pts.) EXTRA CREDIT (2 pts. maximum) When would be the best time to observe an asteroid that is at opposition? Explain your answer.
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