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Exam 1 Sample Questions with Problems Solution - Resources Geology | GEOS 1024, Exams of Geology

Material Type: Exam; Professor: Chermak; Class: Resources Geology; Subject: Geosciences; University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University; Term: Fall 2006;

Typology: Exams

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Download Exam 1 Sample Questions with Problems Solution - Resources Geology | GEOS 1024 and more Exams Geology in PDF only on Docsity! Sample Exam I, 50 questions, Form A Note — Do not rush. Read carefully. For the true false questions everything must be true. 1} Which of the following are considered non- renewable resources? 1) petroleum 2) wind 3) solar energy 4) coal 5)1+4 6)2+3 TA+3+4 2) Obtaining and using which resource(s) causes environmental impacts; 1) Copper 2) Oil 3) Coal 4) Gold 5) Food 6) 14+24+34+4 7) All of the above 3) What is the current rate of natural population increase (births-deaths) in the world? 1) 0.1% 2) 0.7% 3) 1.3% 4) 2.5%" 5) 13% 6) 33% 4) What is the definition of a resource? 1) Contains reserves that meets minimum criteria for current technological practices 2) the total amount in the earth’s crast 3) natural concentrations that have potential for economic extraction 4) amaterial that is presently economically and legally extractable 5) Which of these elements are considered abundant in the Earth’s crust, 1) copper 2) silica 3) aluminum 4} iron 5) 243 6) 2+3+4 7) all of the above 1 a 6) In the quantity (y-axis) versus time (x-axis) graph above line 2 represents, T) Resource growth, 2) Population growth 3) Reserve replenishment 4) None of the above 7) Based on classification of resources with similar uses and/or properties, Wood used to heat a house would be considered: 1) renewable 2) an energy resource 3) non-renewable 4) anon-metallic resource 5y14+2 6)1+4 8) The environmental problem that is causing the biggest impact and is the root of all other environmental problems, and/or greatly exacerbates them, is; 2) povorty 2) degradation of habitats 3) extinction of species A) pollution 5) overpopulation, 6) increasing resource use 9) Based on classification of resources with similar uses and/or properties, Water used in a hydroelectric plant would be classified as 1) renewable 2) an energy resource 5)1+2 3) anon-metallic resource 6)1+3 4) non-renewable TN2+4 % es | ares 10) The most populated state in the US (1-10) 11) The least populated state in the US (1-10) N ao 12) Country which is projected to have the largest population in the world in 2050 (From figure above 1-10) 13) Country which has the largest population in the world today (From figure above {-10} 14) In order for a resource to be considered "renewable" it must be replenished on a time scale equal to or Jess than: 1) 10 years 2) a human lifetime 3) 1,000 years 4) a million years 5) time is not a factor in determining if a resource is renewable. 15) Between the 1960s and 2004 the rate of the US’s population change has, 1) Decreased 2) Remained stable 3) Increased 16) The human population is presently increasing by | billion people every ___years (approximately). 1 200 2} 100 3) 50 4) 15 5)5 17) The Developing Nations have __% of the World population and consume approximately__% of the Worlds Resources. 1) 5, 25 2) 10, 25 3) 20, 85 4) 50, 85 5) 80, 15 6) 99, 15 18) Extracting, processing, and using mineral resources 1) requires enormous amounts of energy 2) causes land disturbance and erosion 3) produces large volumes of waste 4) releases chemicals into the atmosphere 5)14+2+3 6) All of the above 19) The time it takes for a specific deposit of a tesource to be depleted can be extended hy, 1) Reducing consumption of the resource 2) Recycling and reuse of the resource 3) More efficient mining technologies 4) All of the above 5)14+2 JL+3 = I+S 20) ___Is the chemical responsible for the deaths of cats on Borneo 1) Arsenic 2) Mereury 3) DDT (ichloroDiphenyl- Trichloroethane) 4) Cyanide 5) Carbon Dioxide (CO3) 21) US petroleum production is... 1) Increasing 2) Decreasing 3) Remaining constant
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