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Exam Solutions for Math 304 - Linear Algebra: Independence, Spans, and Vector Spaces, Exams of Linear Algebra

The solutions to Exam 1 for Math 304 - Linear Algebra. Topics covered include linear independence, invertible matrices, spanning sets, and vector spaces. Students are expected to understand the definitions and be able to apply them to solve systems of linear equations and determine if certain sets of vectors are linearly independent or span a vector space.

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Download Exam Solutions for Math 304 - Linear Algebra: Independence, Spans, and Vector Spaces and more Exams Linear Algebra in PDF only on Docsity! Math 304 - 501 Exam 1 Solutions February 25, 2004 1. (15) Define the following: (a) The set of vectors {~x1, · · · , ~xk} is linearly independent. The set is linearly independent if whenever there are constants ci, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, such that c1~x1 + c2~x2 + · · ·+ ck~xk = ~0, then each ci must equal 0. (b) A is an invertible matrix. A square n× n matrix A is said to be invertible is there is another n× n matrix B such that AB = In = BA, where In denotes the n × n matrix with one’s down the main diagonal and zeros every where else. (c) The set of vectors {~x1, · · · , ~xk} spans the vector space V . The set is said to span V if for every ~x ∈ V there are constants ci, 1 ≤ i ≤ k, such that ~x = c1~x1 + c2~x2 + · · ·+ ck~xk . 2. (25) Let A =   −2 1 0 6 21 2 5 0 1 2 1 2 1 4   be the augmented matrix of a system of linear equations. (a) What is the system of linear equations? Use xi’s to designate the variables. −2x1 + x2 + 6x4 = 2 x1 + 2x2 + 5x3 = 1 2x1 + x2 + 2x3 + x4 = 4 (b) Find a row echelon form of the matrix A. Be sure to state which row operations you use, and the order of application. The following sequence of row operations transforms A into a row echelon form. R1 ←→ R2, 2R1 + R2, − 2R1 + R3 1 5 R2, 3R2 + R3, −1 2 R3. The row echelon form obtained by these elementary row operations is   1 2 5 0 10 1 2 6/5 4/5 0 0 1 −23/10 −11/5   (c) True or false, the solution set of this system is a vector space? The solution set is not a vector space. Set B =   −2 1 0 61 2 5 0 2 1 2 1  , then the solution set equals Solution set =  ~x ∈ R4 : B~x =   21 4     . This set is not a vector space as it is not closed under scalar multiplication or vector addition, nor does it contain the zero vector. 2
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