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Introduction to Adulthood And Aging - Study Guide | HDE 100C, Study notes of Introduction to Sociology

Study guide for Final Exam Material Type: Notes; Professor: Miller; Class: Adulthood And Aging; Subject: Human Development; University: University of California - Davis; Term: Fall 2010;

Typology: Study notes


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Download Introduction to Adulthood And Aging - Study Guide | HDE 100C and more Study notes Introduction to Sociology in PDF only on Docsity! HDE 100C Fall 2010 12/1/2020 Study Guide for Final Exam For each term listed, you should go to your notes and the text, fully review the term, and be sure you understand how this term relates to aging (e.g., define it and generate examples; discuss how it relates to aging- for some terms, it’s appropriate to ask: does it change with age?; work with the concept by comparing and contrasting similar concepts). As with the midterm study guide, this guide is not an exhaustive list and it does not take the place of reviewing all of the material covered in the course. You may want to begin by organizing the terms into meaningful units (e.g., topics and subtopics). This document is in Word format so one option is to create a new copy (“save as”) so you can modify this list rather than retype the words. Advance Directive Age Differences in Technology Use Age Integration Model Aged Dependency Ratio Aging in Place Aging Workforce issues Alzheimer’s Disease Arousal and performance, relationship between Bereavement/Grief, trajectories Big Five Trait Model Biological Theories of Aging Biopsychosocial Model of Stress Brain (major divisions of the cortex, important subcortical structures, neurons) Bridge Job Caregiver Stress Chronic diseases (e.g., osteoporosis, atherosclerosis) Coping Correlation vs Causation Curvilinear Relationships Daily Hassles Death Ethos Decision to Retire, major factors Demographics and methods of displaying (e.g., pop. pyramid) Depression Disengagement Dying Trajectories Elder Abuse Erikson’s three stages of adulthood Euthanasia Everyday Problem Solving Extroversion, subtypes of social dominance and social vitality Fight or flight response Flow Functional Limitation Measures Funeral Traditions General Adaptation Syndrome Generativity, assessment Gf and Gc Grandparenting Holland’s RIASEC Theory Hospice Care HDE 100C Fall 2010 12/1/2020 Household labor Iceberg model of elder abuse Identity Influences on Development (e.g., normative age-graded) Intelligence (general history, major approaches to assessment) Inter-individual and Intra-individual Differences Job loss Kubler-Ross (1969) stages of death/grief Labor Force, nonstandard exits from Life Expectancy Life Review Lifespan Development (theory, assumptions, history) Living Will Locus of Control Loneliness Longitudinal vs. Cross-Sectional Designs Major Life Events Mandatory Retirement Marriage (sources of conflict, factors that contribute to success) and other relationships Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Mate Selection Maximum Life Span Meanings of Age Memory Types (e.g., episodic, implicit, prospective) and processes Mental Health (major disorders, diagnosis and treatment) Midlife Crisis Mindfulness Mortality, major causes Multiple Intelligences Nature vs. Nurture Normative vs. nonnormative influences Older Workers (satisfaction, performance) Optimization of Primary and Secondary Control Model Palliative Care Patient’s Rights regarding dying Peak Experience Personality Trait Models, mean level vs. rank order stability Physical Activity (effects on brain and cognitive performance) Physician-Assisted Suicide Physician’s Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) Positive Psychology Primary vs. Secondary Aging Proactive Coping Problem Focused vs. Emotion Focused Coping Reliability and validity Reminiscence Resilience Retirement (adjustment, choice over timing) Retirement funding, how it has changed over time Right to Die, overall status of Federal and state legal issues Right to Know (end of life) Selective Optimization with Compensation Theory
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