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Descriptive Research in Motor Learning | KINE 322, Study notes of Physical Education and Motor Learning

research topics/first test material Material Type: Notes; Professor: Kohl; Class: Motor Learning; Subject: Kinesiology & Hlth Sciences; University: William and Mary; Term: Spring 2011;

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Download Descriptive Research in Motor Learning | KINE 322 and more Study notes Physical Education and Motor Learning in PDF only on Docsity! Descriptive research- you decide how to describe the research. May not be the same for other people. Your research is only as good as the tools you are using to describe. Exp: translation between languages aren’t exact. Correlative observation- Things you measure and then correlate. No independent and dependent variable, just 2 dependent. Cause and effect. Exp: speed is related to jumping height. Categorical Independent Variable- not measuring a variable. It is just a category. Exp: gender, race, culture Control Group and Experimental group- The basic form of research. An independent and dependent variable.  Scientific paradigm- Frances Bacon-“using the scientific paradigm one cannot prove, one can only disprove.” The only thing you can prove are the losers, not the winners. -The left side of the brain controls the right side of your body, The right side of your brain controls the left. -depending on the hemisphere of the brain you use, it can be more difficult to do certain actions: Exp: taping left hand and left foot or taping left hand and right foot. Within subject design, you can account for experimental error.  Individual difference is what creates experimental error. There will always be individuals in a group that are outliers or do not follow the trend. Theories- Written in such a way, they can’t be disproved. According to Carl Popper a theory cannot be true. -If there are inconsistencies in popular theories, people tend to ignore them… -good theories last about 20-30 years. -One theory: nothing is true because we use words and numbers to describe. Descriptive research is not effective. Who are the biggest liars? Lecture- 1/27/10 Who controls the executive? There is an infinite regress -people came up with god… -If you have an algorithm that is creating an action and you want to disprove it, you need another algorithm, and then another… -proof is not truth. Therefore, scientists are the biggest liars. Hypothetical construct- There are an infinite number of ways to operationally define it./it is an explanatory variable which is not directly observable : Ex: strength, endurance, flexibility- there are an infinite number of ways to express these terms, so how do we measure it?  Every independent variable has a hypothetical construct with an infinite number of ways to operationally define it. Information process of motor learning- we use computer as analogy to talk about brain, although our brains really don’t act like a computer. -Box analogy- our senses will communicate information that is picked up. A cognitive decision must be made. Response execution mechanism must make the movement. Executive Executive Action Memory  Box model Levels of processing model Lecture 2/10/11 Bottom up processing Top down processing -Getting better at something ( ie: free throws, serves) isn’t done through practice and repetition, but retrieval. Doing the same thing over and over again doesn’t require any cognitive effort) Lecture 2/22/11 -Don’t apply cognitive effort if you want to perform better. - How you perform in a situation is different than how you would perform that task again after a 24-48 hr. retention interval. Memory consolidation occurs during sleep manifests when there is no cognitive effort. -What is the #1 attribute is for an elite performer? Practice time. The levels of processing model-describes memory recall of stimuli as a function of the depth of mental processing. Depth of processing falls on a shallow to deep continuum. Shallow processing (e.g., processing based on phonemic and orthographic components) leads to a fragile memory trace that is susceptible to rapid decay. Conversely, deep processing (e.g., semantic processing) results in a more durable memory trace -shallow memory cannot be recalled as well as something in deep memory. -Type 1 processing- does not drive a memory rep. deeper in memory. But it does maintain status of how deep it is. Ex—auditory loop “When you say it you hear it and when you hear it you say it.” Doing something over and over again. Doing something over and over without any cognitive processing. -Type 2 processing- Moves information deeper in memory. It is relating different features. It is a form of elaboration. Elaboration means relating different items. When you are creating relationships it requires cognitive effort, which uses memory. The way to put things into memory is to make relationships. Practice variability is a motor example. Take foul shot from different parts on court. Test Prep 3/1/11 Parallel processing Epherant Apherant Sensation perception Response selection Response execution Close loop control conditions Open loop control conditions
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