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Cheat Sheet for Exam - Introduction to Chemistry Engineering Profession | C&PE 111, Study notes of Engineering

Cheat Sheet for exam Material Type: Notes; Professor: Weatherley; Class: Intr Chem Engineering Professn; Subject: Chemical & Petroleum Engr; University: University of Kansas; Term: Fall 2010;

Typology: Study notes


Uploaded on 12/13/2010

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Download Cheat Sheet for Exam - Introduction to Chemistry Engineering Profession | C&PE 111 and more Study notes Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! Justin Christian C&PE 111 Chemical engineering careers- industry, academia, government, law, medicine Industry-electronics, food, biotechnology, environmental health & safety, design & construction, fuels] Demand for functionality in product design is the over-riding consideration for products; Environmental awareness- emergence of corporate citizenship, New challenges- environmental protection, safety, cost of energy, new industries] What makes a chemical engineer unique? Systems thinking (big picture), scale up i.e. process design, problem solving ability Bronze from Copper and Tin-3500 BC 1800-1900 Metals Dyes, Sulfuric Acid, Soda Ash . . . Late 1800’s 1840 british industrial revolution 1863-alkali works regulations act 1870-1970 chemicals & polymers 1900- chlorination of H2O WW I – US CPI-1914 - 1918 First US Petrochemical-1920 1930’s KU CPE DuPont Nylon-1940 WW II – Penicillin-1940’s “Classic” Chemical Eng. 1940’s – 1970’s, 1960-70 oil industry emerges 1956&1968- clean air acts(UK) Silent Spring1962 High Oil Prices Love Canal 1970’s Bhopal Chernobyl 1980’s 1980-changes:>demand for sophisticated products, safety hazard analysis, feedstock patterns, oil producer countries move to petrochemicals, labor market globalization, environmental awareness! Advanced Materials Biotech 1990’s – 2000’s Rising Energy Costs 2000’s Product preparation- raw materials, raw materials preparation, conversion to product, separation of product, finishing & marketing Commodities >10,000tons/year- High volume-low value developing countries dominate specialty product<10,000 tons/year Low volume-high value top 5 attributes-1) working as a team 2) analyzing info 3) communication 4) gathering info 5) learning by oneself Business awareness+Behaviors+process engineering= performance 7thing chemE need to know-mass is conserved, energy is conserved, mass flows due to a concentration difference, heat flows due to a temperature difference, fluid flow due to a pressure difference, order takes work, thermodynamic limit to how far we can go, if we don’t put in energy, things fall apart engage, define, explore, plan, do it, evaluate [The engineer selects the control volume] Density converts M&V, Equations Balance equation Accumulation=Input-output+generation- consumption Conservation of mass Mass fraction=yi=wi/Ewi=1 w=mass of i Mass %=100% * mass fraction=100 Mole fraction=yi=mi/Emi=1 mi=mass of i Mole %=100% * mole fraction=100 Volumetric flow rate(cm3/s)=fluid velocity(cm/s) * area(cm2) Mass in rate=volume rate * density Cp=heat capacity=jg-1c-1 Q= theoretical energy for heating Q=m*cp*(tf-ti) Density=m/v 128oz=1gallon mass flow rate= density*velocity*area (ex. lbm/h)
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