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Lecture Outline on Blood - Human Anatomy and Physiology II | BIOL 2222, Study notes of Physiology

Blood notes Material Type: Notes; Class: Human Anatomy & Physiology II; University: Kennesaw State University; Term: Spring 2016;

Typology: Study notes


Uploaded on 08/30/2016

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Download Lecture Outline on Blood - Human Anatomy and Physiology II | BIOL 2222 and more Study notes Physiology in PDF only on Docsity! BIOL 2222 Spring 2016 Chapter 17 Outline—Blood I. Blood function 1. Distribution 2. Regulation 3. Protection II. Blood composition 1. Plasma 55% 2. Formed elements 45% i. Hematocrit 45% ii. Buffy coat III. Plasma 1. Water 90%f 2. Dissolved solutes i. Electrolytes ii. Plasma proteins: albumin, globulins (alpha beta, and Y), fibrinogen iii. Nonprotein nitrogenous substances iv. Nutrients v. Respiratory gases vi. Hormones IV. Formed elements 1. Erythrocytes (RBC) i. General characteristics 1. Contain no nuclei or organelles 2. Do not reproduce 3. Bioncave-flexible ii. Functions 1. Hemoglobin 2. Carbaminohemoglobin iii. Production 1. Erythropoiesis: production of new RBCS based on the amount of oxygen the blood can carry 2. Erythropoietin: hormone from kidney that signal release red bone marrow to differentiate more RBC iv. Destruction/Recycle 1. Heme a. Bilirubin and goes into liver and becomes part of the bile b. Iron: handed off to protein like ferritin 2. Globin a. Amino acids v. Disorders 1. Anemia: oxygen carry capacity too low to sustain normal metabolism a. Blood loss 1 b. Too few red blood cells produced c. Too many red blood cells destroyed d. Sickle cell anemia i. Genetic ii. Missing a beta chain 2. Polycythemia: abnormal excess of erythrocytes a. Increase viscosity of blood b. Polycythemia vera: bone marrow cancer c. Secondary polycythemia; altitude, EPO increase, blood doping 2. Leukocytes (WBC) i. General characteristics 1. Leukopoiesis: reproduction of white blood cells 2. Complete cells 3. Do not reproduce 4. Function:Immunity 5. Contain membrane-bound granules 6. Agranulocytes lack granules 7. Life spans hours-year 8. Never Let Monkey eat banana ii. Granulocytes (functions) 1. Neutrophils: multilobed nucleus, phagocytize, most often the first responder 2. Eosinophils: bilobed nucleus, red cytoplasmic granules; allergies and parasitic worms 3. Basophils: bilobed nucleus, purplish-black cytoplasmic granules; release histamine iii. Agranulocytes (functions) 1. Lymphocytes a. Large spherical nucleus, pale blue cytoplasm; immunity via antibodies b. Main cells 2. Monocytes a. Kidney-shaped nucleus, abundant pale blue cytoplasms general phagocytosis iv. White blood cell disorders 1. Leukemia: overpopulation of non functioning white blood cells a. Severe anemia b. Bleeding problems c. Fever d. Weight loss 2. Lukeopenia: abnormal low white blood cell 3. Luekocysis: abnormal high white blood cells 3. Platelets i. General characteristics and function 1. Fragments of megakaryocytes 2
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