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Review For test 2 - The Earth and Life Through Time | GEOS 1014, Study notes of Geology

Review For test 2 Material Type: Notes; Professor: Xiao; Class: The Earth & Life Through Time; Subject: Geosciences; University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University; Term: Fall 2006;

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Uploaded on 12/07/2006

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Download Review For test 2 - The Earth and Life Through Time | GEOS 1014 and more Study notes Geology in PDF only on Docsity! Review Sheet: Part 2 Fossil and fossil preservation What is a fossil? Preservation of skeletal fossils: How casts, internal molds, and external molds are formed? Preservation of soft-bodied organisms: Amber; Phosphatization; Pyritization; Silicification; Carbonaceous Compression; Ediacaran Preservation; Trace Fossils: What are trace fossils? Fossils and evolution What is a species? Species as a divinely created, static entity; Species as an evolutionarily dynamic entity; Evidence of evolution: homologous structures, embryology, vestigial structures, biogeographic differentiation, transitional forms, and small scale evolutionary change Evolutionary mechanisms: Lamarckism (inheritance of acquired features) vs. Natural selection; Evolutionary patterns: phyletic gradualism (slow gradudal change) vs. punctuated equilibrium (fast change when new species are formed, but little change between speciation events) Hadean and Archean Earth as a planet; Compare Earth and other planets in the Solar System; Origin of the Solar System and its planets: nedula hypothesis, cold/hot accretion, partial melting, differentiation Archean crust: magma ocean, komatiite, shields Outgassing: the origin of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere; Archean atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere; Carbon Cycle, Archean CO2 level; Faint young Sun and CO2 level; Banded iron formation (BIF) and Archean Oxygen level; Photosynthesis and oxygen evolution; Origin of life (warm little pond vs. black smoker); Miller-Urey experiment; Family tree of life and its implication for origin of life; Hyperthermophiles; Three major branches of the family tree of life: Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, and Eukaryotes; Prokaryotes (Archaebacteria + Eubacteria) vs. Eukaryotes; Endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotes; Evidence of Archean life Filamentous bacteria fossils; Stromatolites; Fossil biomolecules; Isotopic evidence (stable carbon isotopes); Proterozoic: United plates of America (what is the North America Plate made of?) Proterozoic Crust Evolution: Open and close of Ocean – Wilson Cycle, Superior and Slave Cratons; Proterozoic Supercontinent: Rodinia Paleoproterozoic climate: Gowganda glaciation (~2.0 Ga)
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