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Unit 3: Rotational Motion and Gravitational Interactions in Physics 2101, Study notes of Physics

The objectives and key concepts of unit 3 in the general physics course for technical students, focusing on rotational motion and gravitational interactions. Students will learn to apply newton's second law for rotational motion, understand the relationship between rotational kinetic energy, moment of inertia, and angular velocity, calculate torque and angular momentum, and use right hand rules and conservation laws. Topics include the use of newton's 2nd law for rotational motion, kepler's laws, and the calculation of gravitational forces.

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Download Unit 3: Rotational Motion and Gravitational Interactions in Physics 2101 and more Study notes Physics in PDF only on Docsity! PHYS 2101 General Physics for Technical Students Fall 2008 The Big Idea for Unit 3 • The first goal of this unit is to understand how to use Newton’s Second Law for rotational motion to solve physical problems and describe the rotational motion of objects. • The second goal of this unit is to understand the gravitational interactions between particles due to both the gravitational force and gravitational potential energy. Objectives for Unit 3 By the end of this unit, students should be able to: 3.1 Relate angular position θ, angular velocity ω, angular acceleration α, and time t. Relate linear speed to angular speed and distance. Use the no-slip condition to relate linear motion to angular motion. 3.2 Relate rotational kinetic energy to moment of inertia and angular velocity. Solve conservation of energy problems involving rotational kinetic energy, and use the rotational work-kinetic energy theorem. 3.3 Calculate torque from the force and the position that the force is applied. Calculate angular momentum for particles from linear momentum and position, and angular momentum for extended objects from moment of inertia and angular velocity. 3.4 Use Newtons 2nd Law for rotational motion to relate net torque to the product of the moment of inertia and angular acceleration or to the rate of change of angular momentum. Also, combine this with ~Fnet = m~a for systems with both angular and linear motion. 3.5 Correctly use the right hand rules to determine the direction of vector cross products and the direction of angular quantities. 3.6 Apply the conservation of angular momentum to situations where the net external torque equals zero or has a component equal to zero. 3.7 Define mechanical equilibrium for an object and use the definition to solve for unknown forces or torques acting on an object. 3.8 Use Keplers laws to relate distance, velocity, and period of revolution for planetary systems or satellites. 3.9 Calculate the gravitational force acting between point-like or spherical objects using Newtons law of gravitation. 3.10 Apply Newtons second law and Newtons law of gravity to circular orbit problems. 3.11 Using the expression for gravitational potential energy and conservation of energy, relate speed and distance for objects in free flight, including the concept of escape velocity. 1
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