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Anatomy and Physiology: An Overview of Connective Tissue, Cartilage, Bone, and Joints - Pr, Study notes of Physiology

An in-depth exploration of various aspects of human anatomy and physiology, focusing on connective tissue, cartilage, bone, and joints. Topics include the different types and functions of connective tissue, the structure and properties of cartilage and bone, and the classification and characteristics of different types of joints. Additionally, the document discusses the role of negative and positive feedback in maintaining homeostasis and the functions of membranes and epithelial tissue.

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Download Anatomy and Physiology: An Overview of Connective Tissue, Cartilage, Bone, and Joints - Pr and more Study notes Physiology in PDF only on Docsity! ๏‚ท Structural organization o Chemical, cellular, tissue, organ, organ system ๏‚ท Types of anatomy o Gross, microscopic, development ๏‚ท Anatomy โ€“ studies the structure of body parts and their relationship to each other ๏‚ท Physiology โ€“ study of the function of the body and how it works ๏‚ท Connective tissue โ€“ binds, supports, protection, insulation, transportation (blood) ๏‚ง 3 types of fibers โ€“ collagen, elastic, reticular ๏‚ง 3 main elements โ€“ ground substance, fibers, cells (fat and mobile) o Connective tissue proper ๏‚ง Loose connective tissues ๏‚ท Areolar connective tissue โ€“ supports and binds, holds body fluids, defends against infections, fibroblasts - flat branching cells that appear spindle shaped ๏‚ท Adipose (fat) tissue โ€“ nutrient storage, richly vascularized, high metabolic activity, adipocytes ๏‚ท Reticular connective tissue โ€“ forms a storma (bed) to support free blood cells in the lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow ๏‚ง Dense connective tissue ๏‚ท Dense regular โ€“ referred to as a fibrous connect tissue, forms tendons and ligaments ๏‚ท Dense irregular โ€“ thicker fibers than regular, found in the skin, forms fibrous join capsules and fibrous coverings of some organs o Cartilage โ€“ stands up to tension and compression ๏‚ง Hyaline โ€“ gristle, provides firm support, forms articular cartilage, supports tip of nose, connects ribs to sternum, supports respiratory system ๏‚ง Elastic โ€“ nearly identical to hyaline, more elastin fibers, forms ear and epiglottis ๏‚ง Fibrocartilage โ€“ hyaline cartilage meets a true ligament or tendon, provides strong support and the ability to withstand heavy pressure o Bone โ€“ aka osseous tissue. Supports and protects body structures, very vascular ๏‚ง Osteoblasts โ€“ build up bone ๏‚ง Osteoclasts โ€“ break down bone ๏‚ง Osteocytes โ€“ maintain structure/health o Blood โ€“ transport vehicle for the CV system, carries nutrients, wastes, respiratory gases, and other substances ๏‚ท Negative and positive feedback o Neg โ€“ the output SHUTS OFF the original stimulus or reduces its intentions ๏‚ง Home heating thermostat, regulation of blood glucose levels o Pos โ€“ the output is ACCELERATED as the response stimulates the original stimulus ๏‚ง Oxytocin release during labor ๏‚ท Homeostasis โ€“ ability to maintain relatively stable internal conditions regardless or changes in the external conditions ๏‚ท Membranes o Cutaneous โ€“ skin o Mucous โ€“ lines body cavities that open to the exterior o Serous โ€“ found in the closes ventral body cavities o Endothelium โ€“ inner covering, provides a slick, friction-reduction lining ๏‚ท Goblet cells - located in simple columnar epithelium ๏‚ท Cartilage โ€“ stands up to tension and compression. Lacks nerve fibers and is avascular. ๏‚ท Naming epithelial tissue o simple vs stratified (one vs two or more cell layers) o squamous โ€“ regular blob. cuboidal โ€“ square. columnar โ€“ column ๏‚ท tissue repair โ€“ inflammation, restoration of blood supply, regeneration ๏‚ท bone classification โ€“ axial and appendicular o long bones โ€“ longer than wide, shaft and 2 ends, all limb bones besides patella, wrist and ankle o short bones โ€“ cube shaped, bones of wrist and ankle o sesamoid bones โ€“ special short bones, for a tendon, patella o flat bones โ€“ think, flattened, usually a bit curved, sternum, scapulae, ribs and skull
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