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Anatomical Identification of Structures in Sheep Eye and Ear, Study notes of Physiology

A comprehensive list of structures in the sheep eye and ear, including their functions and locations. Students are expected to identify and name these structures based on their dissections, models, and the provided learning exercises from anatomy 360. Both the external and internal anatomy of the eye and ear.

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Download Anatomical Identification of Structures in Sheep Eye and Ear and more Study notes Physiology in PDF only on Docsity! BIOL 1151L – Eye and Ear Identification Sheet You should be able to identify and name one function for all of the following structures on the whole sheep eye, dissected eye, models of the eye and ear. You should be able to identify all of the following structures found in the exercises as indicated in Anatomy 360. Sheep Eye – External 1. Sclera 2. Optic nerve 3. Extrinsic muscles 4. Cornea 5. Pupil Sheep Eye – Dissected 1. Vitreous humor 2. Lens 3. Iris 4. Ciliary body a. Pupillary constrictor muscles b. Pupillary dilator muscles 5. Choroid a. Tapetum lucidum 6. Retina 7. Optic disk Eye Model 1. Superior rectus muscle 2. Medial rectus muscle 3. Inferior rectus muscle 4. Superior oblique muscle 5. Inferior oblique muscle 6. Cornea 7. Pupil 8. Iris 9. Sclera 10. Choroid 11. Lens 12. Vitreous humor 13. Pupillary dilator muscles 14. Pupillary constrictor muscles 15. Retina 16. Optic nerve Ear Model 1. Auricle 2. External auditory meatus/canal 3. Tympanic membrane 4. Eustachian tube 5. Cochlea Inner Ear Model 1. Tympanic membrane 2. Malleus 3. Incus 4. Stapes 5. Oval window 6. Cochlea 7. Vestibule 8. Semicircular canals 9. Round window 10. Cranial nerve VIII Anatomy of Eye (Anatomy 360, Nervous System, Special Senses, Eye) Learning Exercises 1 1. Pupil 2. Iris 3. Optic Nerve (cranial nerve 1) 4. Optic chiasma Learning Exercises 2 1. Superior rectus muscle 2. Inferior rectus muscle 3. Medial rectus muscle 4. Lateral rectus muscle 5. lacrimal gland Anatomy of Ear (Anatomy 360, Nervous System, Special Senses, Ear) Learning Exercise 1 1. Auricle (cartilage) 2. Auditory tube
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