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18 Solved Problems on the Ecology - Test 1 | PCB 3233, Study notes of Immunology

Exam 1 Study Notes Material Type: Notes; Professor: Weigel; Class: Immunology; Subject: Process Cell Biology; University: University of Central Florida; Term: Fall 2011;

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Download 18 Solved Problems on the Ecology - Test 1 | PCB 3233 and more Study notes Immunology in PDF only on Docsity! Merari Negrón 1 Exam 1 Review for Final→ Chapters 1-2 1. C3 Convertase of the Alternative Pathway? (Chapter 2: Slide 19) a. C3bBb b. 2. C5 Convertase of the Alternative pathway? (Chapter 2: Slide 22) a. C3b2Bb 3. C5 Convertase of the Classical Pathway? (Chapter 2: slide 22) a. C4b2a3b 4. C3 Convertase of the Classical pathway? a. C4b2a 5. C5-C9? a. MAC 6. Basophil: (Chapter 1: Slide 44) a. Granulocyte b. Stains with basic dyes (blue) c. Present in low numbers in circulation (<0.2%) d. Similar to mast cells in morphology i. Both contain and release large characteristic electron-dense granules in their cytoplasm during allergic reactions (IgE). e. Produced from stem cells of the bone marrow like all granulocytes. 7. M cells: (Chapter 1: Slide 76) a. Pathogens arrive through direct delivery across mucosa mediated by M cells. A region of GALT (includes tonsils, adenoids, appendix, and peyer’s patches that line the gut.) 8. Neutrophil: (Chapter 1: Slide 34) a. Pus forming : pyogenic bacteria i. (Ex: S. Aureus) b. Effectors of innate immunity- specialized in the capture, engulfment, and killing of microbes. i. Work in anaerobic conditions found in damaged tissue ii. Short lived and die at site of infection iii. Phagocytic cells that contain toxic substances in intracellular granules iv. Employ oxygen-dependant and oxygen- independent pathways to destroy pathogens c. 2nd to act: Macrophages act first since they reside in tissue 9. CR3 and CR4: (Chapter 2: Slide 35) a. Complement Receptors b. Recognize iC3b 10. Diapedesis: (Chapter 2: Slide 60) a. Neutrophil squeezes between endothelial cells b. Movement of WBC’s from the blood across blood vessel walls into tissues. Merari Negrón 2 11. Respiratory Burst: (Chapter 2: Slide 65-66) a. Neutrophil b. Respiratory burst: transient increase in Oxygen consumption= purpose is to raise the pH of the phagosome so the granule contents can become active to kill the pathogen. 12. Macrophage Receptors that secrete cytokines: (Chapter 2: Slide 39) a. Toll Like Receptor (TLR) i. 10 receptors ii. Specificities for different microbial products iii. TLR-4 senses ligand LPS 1. TLR-4 expressed on Macrophages 2. TLR-4 detects LPS and sends signal to the nucleus of the macrophage to make and secrete inflammatory cytokines as well as cytokines that activate innate immune responses 3. LPS is a major gram-negative bacteria component 4. LPS is an endotoxin responsible for septic shock 5. Signal interferon alpha and beta (slide 43) 13. Cell dies b/c it can’t replenish its granules?(Chapter 2: Slide 67) a. Neutrophils b. Neutrophils  Apoptosis  Phagocytosed by macrophage 14. Hematopoeisis: (Chapter 1: Slide 26-27) a. Hematopoiesis: the generation of the cellular elements of blood, including: i. Red Blood Cells or erythrocytes (RBC) ii. White Blood Cells or leukocytes (WBC) iii. Megakarocytes or Platelets b. These cells originate from pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) whose progeny differentiate and divide under the influence of various hematopoietic growth factors c. HSC give rise to other cells in a process called self-renewal, becoming more mature stem cells that commit to different lineages. Merari Negrón 5 26. Adhesion Molecule discussed in class? a. ICAM-1 27. Extravasation: (Chapter 2: slide 60) a. Rolling Adhesion b. Tight Binding c. Diapedesis d. Migration 28. Weibel plade bodies: (Chapter 2: Slide 62) a. Granules with P-selectin, which are present inside endothelial cells. 29. Inflammatory Cytokines: a. IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α = involved in inflammation and cause fever 30. MAC: a. End as transmembrane channels 31. Type 1 Interferons: (Chapter 2: Slide 80 & 85) a. Alpha (α) and Beta (β)= help fight viral infections 32. Pyogenic = a. Pus forming Merari Negrón 6 33. At birth cells are made in the? (Chapter 1: Slide 50) a. Bone Marrow 34. Secondary adaptive immune response is activated when the antigen is encountered for the first time? (T/F) a. False: when it encounters it the second time 35. Epitope: a. The portion of the antigenic molecule that is bound by an antibody or gives rise to the MHC-binding peptide that is recognized by a T-cell receptor. Also called antigenic determinant. b. Antigen being recognized c. Part of the antigen to which the antibody binds 36. If you get sick the first time, and then 6 months later you are sick to the same thing = a. The response would be quicker and faster 37. NFκB initiates which cytokines? (Chapter 2: Slide 44) a. IL-1, IL-6, CXCL8, IL-12, TNF-α 38. Fixed immune defenses include: (Chapter 2: Slide 49) a. Skin + innate immunity 39. Main opsonin on the surface of a pathogen? (chapter 2: Slide 21) a. C3b 40. Macrophage phagocytic receptors: (Chapter 2: Slide 46) a. CR3 and CR4 b. Carbohydrate binding proteins =lectins i. (Ex: mannose & glucan receptors) c. Scavenger receptors Merari Negrón 7 41. Chemokines (CC/CXC): (Chapter 2: Slide 56) a. Direct traffic b. CXCL8 = IL-8 & IL-12 42. Organ Failure: (Chapter 2: Slide 48) a. Release of TNF-α b. When infection develops in the blood the systemic release of TNF-α on endothelium (venules) → in all tissue simultaneously induces a state of shock, organ failure and death. 43. Functions of Spleen: (Chapter 1: Slide 73) a. Filter for blood that removes old or damaged cells = Red pulp b. Site where blood-borne pathogens encounter lymphocytes (a secondary lymphoid organ) = white pulp c. Blood is the only way in or out for lymphocytes as well as for pathogens. d. Spleenic macrophages and dendritic cells in the spleen to take up antigen and stimulate T and B- cells. 44. Four human pathogen types: (Chapter 2: Slide 6) a. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites 45. Lymohocytes: (chapter : Slide 28) a. WBC b. Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas c. Neutrophils, Lymohocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, and Basophils 46. Immunologic memory: (Chapter 1: Slide 77) a. Lymphocytes that expand persist, providing long term memory i. First time infections results in a primary response which leads to memory of the pathogen. ii. Subsequent infections with the same pathogen, having the same antigens, will elicit a secondary response which is much faster and stronger than the original primary response iii. Basis for vaccination 47. Acute phase proteins: (chapter 2: Slide 71) a. C-reactive protein (CRP): Classical b. Mannose- binding lectin: Alternative i. Enhance complement fixation to pathogen surfaces c. Both act as opsonins d. Both can activate a pathway 48. Opsonization: (Chapter 1: Slide 54) a. Way of making microbes more platable to the phagocyte i. Increases recognition b. Molecules coating a microbe, such as complement or antibody facilitate contact and ingestion of the microbe.
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