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Polyatomic Ions & Their Charges: Ammonium, Hydroxide, Acetate, Nitrate, Chlorate, Permanga, Study notes of Chemistry

A list of common polyatomic ions and their corresponding charges. Polyatomic ions are groups of atoms that behave as a single ion in chemical reactions. The charges of these ions range from +1 to -3. Examples include ammonium (nh4+), hydroxide (oh-), acetate (ch3co2-), nitrate (no3-), chlorate (clo3-), permanganate (mno4-), sulfate (so42-), chromate (cro42-), dichromate (cr2o72-), carbonate (co32-), phosphate (po43-), and cyanide (cn-).

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Download Polyatomic Ions & Their Charges: Ammonium, Hydroxide, Acetate, Nitrate, Chlorate, Permanga and more Study notes Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity! Polyatomic Ions Ion with (+1) charge NH4+ ammonium Ions with (  1) charge OH hydroxide CH3CO2 acetate NO3 nitrate ClO3 chlorate MnO4 permanganate CN cyanide Ions with (  2) charge) charge SO42 sulfate CrO42 chromate Cr2O72 dichromate CO32 carbonate Ions with (  3) charge) charge PO43 phosphate
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