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Essentials of Sociology - Chapter 8 from Henslin - Lecture Notes | SOC 1004, Study notes of Introduction to Sociology

Chapter 8 (From Henslin) Material Type: Notes; Class: Introductory Sociology; Subject: Sociology; University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University; Term: Fall 2010;

Typology: Study notes


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Download Essentials of Sociology - Chapter 8 from Henslin - Lecture Notes | SOC 1004 and more Study notes Introduction to Sociology in PDF only on Docsity! Terms to Know  Deviance: any violation of norms; from walking backwards to murder. o Reactions to the act which make it deviant. o Shifts from culture to culture and tradition to tradition.  Crime; the violation of rules that have been written into law. o Relativity of crime across societies. o Examples.  Stigma: characteristics that discredit people. o Norms of ability versus norms of appearance o Involuntary membership. Necessity of Norms  Predictability  Avoid Chaos  Social Order: a group’s customary social arrangements  Social Control: formal and informal means of enforcing norms  Negative and Positive Sanctions. Deviance Explained  Sociologists: outside the individual.  Psychologists & Sociobiologists: within the individual.  Biological o Phrenology o Intelligence o XYY theory o Body Type o Latest research Why Deviance?  Psychologists o Personality o No direct link to any 1 disorder.  Sociologists o Socialization o Sub-cultural membership o Primary group interaction o Social class. Symbolic Interactions Persepctive  Differential Association Theory, Edwin Sutherland: o Learned deviance o Definitions define our behavior o Everyone we know influences our behavior Control Theory and Deviance  Rational Choice Ctonrol Theory, Ceasare Lombroscio. o All human beings seek pleasure and they are capable of rational thought. The punishment for a crime must outweigh the pleasure derived from committing the act.  Reckless’ Control Theory o Inner controls versus Outer controls o Inner controls dictate our actions and outer controls influence, augment, or impair our inner controls.  Hirschi’s Bond Ideas. o We arebBonded to peer groups, family members, and other important members that dissuade us from committing deviance. Labeling Theory  How people react to and incorporate the labels we are given. o BED Labels  Behavior Emotionally Disabled. o Yochelson & Samenow research.  Techniques of neutralization, Sykes & Matza  Utilization of techniques of deviance that deviators often use to neutralize they guilt they feel or the fact that they are being condemned in anyway.  o Denial of Responsibility o Denial of injury o Denial of victim o Condemnation of Condemners o Appeal to higher loyalties.  Embracing Labels: o Outlaw Biker Gangs. o Other Gangs/counter cultures.  Embrace the condemnation and utilize it to their advantage.  Power of Labels: o Chambliss Study.  Utilizing labels to increase confidence in oneself.  Mainstreaming of Deviance: Functionalist Persepctive
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