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Finance, Business Finance - Chapter 2 Notes | BMGT 340, Study notes of Corporate Finance

CHAPTER 2 NOTES Material Type: Notes; Class: Business Finance; Subject: Business and Management; University: University of Maryland; Term: Spring 2005;

Typology: Study notes

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Download Finance, Business Finance - Chapter 2 Notes | BMGT 340 and more Study notes Corporate Finance in PDF only on Docsity! Finance — Chapter 2 Annual report: two sections: verbal section (why it happened) and then 4 financial statements (what happened) Balance Sheet: statement of the firm’s financial position at a specific point in time, assets listed in order of “liquidity”, claims listed in order they must be paid (acts. Payable usually 30 days, notes payable within 90 days) Shareholders equity = assets — liabilities — hybrid securities (preferred stock) *Risk of asset value fluctuations is born by common stockholders *Preferred stock: don’t lose/gain; have a set dividend * Stockholder’s equity is made up of “common stock” and “retained earnings” Add to common stock by issuing more shares; add to retained earnings by earning a profit and not paying out as many dividends. Income Statement: statement summarizing the firm’s revenues and expenses over an accounting period, generally a quarter or year EBITDA: earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization EPS = (net income) / (common shares outstanding) Dividends Per Share = DPS = (Dividends paid to common stockholders) / Common Shares outstanding Book Value per Share = BVPS = (total common equity) / (common shares outstanding) Cash Flow per Share = CFPS = (net income + depreciation + amortization) / (common shares outstanding) Net Cash Flow: actual net cash that a firm generates during some specified period Net Cash Flow = Net Income — Noncash revenues + Noncash charges = Net Income + Depreciation Statement of Cash Flows: summarizes the changes in a company’s cash position; operating, investing and financing activities Use of Cash: asset is increased or liability is decreased Source of Cash: asset is decreased or liability is increased Operating Assets: consist of the cash and marketable securities, accts receivable, inventories and fixed assets necessary to operate the business, divided into working capital and fixed assets; operating working capital — current assets used in operations Non-operating Assets: cash and marketable securities above the level required for normal operations, investments in subsidiaries, land held for later use Net Operating Working Capital = All current assets ~ all current liabilities that don’t Charge interest *working capital acquired with investor supplied funds
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