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Engineering Ethics and Professional Conduct: Review Questions - Prof. Anthony D. Songer, Study notes of Civil Engineering

A series of review questions for engineering students on the importance of ethics in their professional career, the asce code of ethics, forms of association, partnership components, corporate operations, and emotional intelligence.

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Download Engineering Ethics and Professional Conduct: Review Questions - Prof. Anthony D. Songer and more Study notes Civil Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! REVIEW QUESTIONS: 1. Describe the importance of ethics relative to your professional career in engineering. Know the definition of ethics and how they are different from morals. a. Morals: A personal set of rules to tell right from wrong b. Ethics: A set of rules that is accepted by a group of people or a profession 2. Know and FULLY understand the ASCE code of ethics. Be prepared to discuss ethical situations using specific ASCE canons of the code of ethics as support. a. Engineers hold safety, health and welfare of the public and shall strive to comply with the principles of sustainable development in the performance of their professional duties b. Engineers shall perform services only in areas of their competence c. Engineers shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner d. Engineers shall act in professional matters for each employer or client as faithful agents of trustees and shall avoid conflicts of interest e. Engineers shall build their professional reputation on the merit of their services and shall not compete unfairly with others f. Engineers shall act in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honor, integrity, and dignity of the engineering profession g. Engineers shall continue their professional development throughout their careers, and shall provide opportunities for the professional development of those under their supervision 3. Identify and describe the four forms of association. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of each. a. Independent proprietership: All the risk, all the responsibility, all the reward b. Partnership: Share the risk and responsibility, still collect a large fraction of the reward c. Corporation: A lot to fall back on, many people working for a common goal. Large scale and the possibility of large rewards. d. Agency: i. Principal 1. Payment 2. Expenses 3. Indemnity (compensation) ii. Agent 1. Obedience 2. Care and Skill 3. Loyalty iii. 3rd party 1. Contracted through the agent 2. Can question agents authority 4. Identify and describe the four components of a partnership. a. Creation i. Oral ii. Written b. Rights of Partners i. Share in management ii. Share in net profit iii. Co-Ownership iv. Power to act as agent c. Termination i. Death ii. Bankruptcy iii. Duration provision iv. Mutaul agreement v. Insanity vi. Withdrawal by partner d. Types i. General Partnership ii. Limited Partnership iii. Joint Venture: iv. Loose association 5. List three ways a partnership may be terminated. a. Listed above 6. What are the four types of corporations and why might you want to form one over the other? a. C-Corporation b. S-Corporation c. Professional Corporation: Formed by licensed professionals such as lawyers or doctors d. Limited Liability Corporation: Owners are protected, 7. Describe corporate operations. How are they financed? How are they managed? a. Initial Financing i. Sale of stock ii. Borrow from bank iii. Issue bonds b. Management and Functions i. Shareholders ii. Board of Directors 8. Describe the term “peircing the corporate veil” and provide an example to reinforce its understanding. c. Design process: i. Constructors are directly involved and considered partial owners ii. Fabrication drawings as opposed to design drawings d. Field Procedures i. Problems shared and mutually resolved ii. Task Forces Collaboration through contract:  Relationships: o Contracts isolate o Self protect o Defines Behavior  Commitment: o Focuses on behavior and contractual enforcement o Fear is the motivating factor o Commitment level is low o Behavior limited to the scope of the contract Collaboration through Covenant:  Relationship: o Covenants unify o Creates commitment  Commitment o Attitudinal o Focus on the project o Project success = individual success o Behavior follows attitude o Benefit to all 15. Identify the four steps when forming a team. a. Forming b. Storming c. Norming d. Performing 16. There are 6 characteristics of teams that work. What are they and how might they be used in practice? a. High level of trust b. High level of respect c. Commitment to a clear/common purpose d. Willingness and ability to resolve a conflict e. Focus on results f. Mutual responsibility and commitment 17. First impressions matter. Why? a. First impressions are immediate, people often decide what kind of person you are in the first 10 minutes. After the first impression it takes a lot of time and work to change their opinion. 18. The engineering and construction industry faces many contemporary issues. Define the four basic catagories of issues. Identify and discuss in detail four issues. Why are these issues important? What impact will they have on the profession? On society? What opportunities do they present? a. Workforce b. Technology c. Sustainability d. Project delivery 19. Generations a. Traditional (60-77) -- dedication, sacrifice, hard work, conformity, law & order, respect for authority, patience, delayed reward, duty before pleasure, adherence to rules, honor, loyalty, tenure b. Baby Boomers (41-59) -- optimism / team orientation / personal / gratification / health & wellness / personal growth / work involvement / exploring creative retirement/ forever young c. Gen X (25-40) -- diverse / global thinkers / balanced / technological / fun / informal / detached / self-reliant / pragmatic / entrepreneurial d. Millenials (6-24) -- optimism, civic duty, confidence, achievement, sociability, morality, street smarts, diversity, automation in every aspect of life, nurtured, do not want to be lumped with GenXers 20. Types of behavior Controlled Responsive Limited use of face/body when communicating Gestures inside width of shoulders Keeps feelings ‘in’ Serious or intense eye contact Appears guarded or cautious Slow to smile Uses facts to make decisions Infrequently talks about self Focuses on goals Prefers working alone Max use of face body Gestures outside shoulders Lets feelings ‘out’ Friendly warm eye contact Appears friendly – open Smiles easily Uses feelings to make decisions Talks about self, easy to get to know Focuses on relationships Prefers to work w/ others Procedural Expedient Speaks slowly, after thinking Asks more than tells Generally speaks w/ soft voice Sits/stands at angles Lets others initiate Speaks quickly, while thinking Tells more than asks … with a strong voice Sits/stands directly across Initiates Often looks away while conversing Usually indirect, hints Talks w/ pauses Careful, thoughtful decisions Quick, tight muscle movement Direct eye contact Talks w/o pauses Quick, bold decisions
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