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Fundamentals of Atoms and Chemical Bonds: A Concept Review, Study notes of Chemistry

A comprehensive review of the fundamental concepts of atoms, their structure, and the chemical bonds that hold molecules together. Topics covered include the composition of atoms, the behavior of electrons, different types of atoms and bonds, and the unique properties of water. This information is essential for students of chemistry and related fields.

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Download Fundamentals of Atoms and Chemical Bonds: A Concept Review and more Study notes Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity! Chapter Two Concept Review 2.1 Atoms are nature’s building material Atoms  All substances are composed of matter, and all matter is composed of atoms  Negatively charged electrons circle the nucleus of the atom, while the nucleus is composed of positively charged protons and neutrons  An atom’s atomic number refers to its number of protons while its atomic mass refers to the number of protons and neutrons  Isotopes are atoms of an element that possess different numbers of neutrons  Radioactive isotopes contain nuclei that spontaneously break up into elements with lower atomic numbers. The decay rate is expressed in terms of a half-life Electrons Determine the Chemical Behavior of Atoms  Elections circle the nucleus of an atom in orbitals. Because the orbitals are so large and are mostly composed of empty space, the nuclei of two atoms never come close enough in nature to interact with each other  Because electrons are attracted to the positively charged nucleus, work is necessary so that they stay in their orbits, and thus they have potential energy of position. Moving an electron to a more distant orbital requires energy, while moving an electron closer to the nucleus releases energy.  Oxidation refers to the loss of an electron; reduction refers to the gain of an electron. 2.2 The atoms of living things are among the smallest Kinds of Atoms  There are 92 naturally occurring elements, arranged in a periodic table based on the interactions of their valence electrons 2.3 Chemical bonds hold molecules together Ionic Bonds Form Crystals  A molecule is a group of atoms held together by energy in a stable association and joined by chemical bonds.  Compounds are composed of atoms of more than one element  Ionic bonds are formed as attractions between ions of opposite charge, such as those in sodium chloride Covalent Bonds Build Stable Molecules  Covalent bonds form when two atoms share one or more pairs of valence electrons and give rise to true, discrete molecules  Covalent bonds are relatively strong, and the strength increases with the number of shared electron pairs.  A chemical reaction is formed during the formation or breaking of chemical bonds. A reaction may be influenced by several factors, including temperature, concentration of reactants and products, and the presence of catalysts 2.4 Water is the cradle of life Chemistry of Water  The most outstanding chemical property of water is its ability to form weak chemical associations Water Atoms Act Like tiny Magnets
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