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Quiz 2 with Solution - Art and Architecture | A A H 210, Quizzes of Art

Material Type: Quiz; Professor: Leblanc; Class: INTRO TO ART & ARCH; Subject: ART AND ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY; University: Clemson University; Term: Fall 2012;

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 12/14/2012

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Download Quiz 2 with Solution - Art and Architecture | A A H 210 and more Quizzes Art in PDF only on Docsity! ! | | i | : | ; 1. nN Unit Two: Medieval: Workbook student Name: What is an iconostasis, where would you find it inside a church, and how is it used? ich split alled cron Wee Byzantine church ys and is decorated vit pam Where would you expect to find a pilgrimage church (country or city) and what kind of congregation would that church serve? “Th the country serving fronders Yok necded a ploce do etey, Where would you expect to find an abbey (country or city) and what kind of congregation would that church serve? Tate country Serving a relisiees commu dD ¢ Where would you expect to find a cathedral (country or city) and what kind of congregation would that church serve? “Taf ola He why gervma roy fe of Pours peopié, Gothic churches are almost always huge and elaborate. Please list design differences between the typical French Gothic cathedral and the typical English Gothic cathedral: a) Exterior size is emphasized how? French: 3+ emphasized dal with Fonsering ena English: Long prow tee wie rack oaidler trenceph b) Floor plan design — note 2 significant differences between typical English and typical French cathedrals: 1) French: talbple. sn oF oF ambu 2) French: seni ay (pr esbyteny) 199 Unit 2 Workbook Crossword Puzzle Clags Across %, Where catechumens stood during Mass 4. City where Arena Chapel frescos are found 2}. Enclosed garden at a monastery 20. First Catholic Bishop of Ireland 11. Original monastery for rich boys 14. Enclosed courtyard on Early Christian church v6. Art acronym for the Gospel Evangelists 22. BR church where monks live -- Monks who brought Christianity to most of Europe 25. Dante wrote about famous painter 26. King who desecrated the remains of saints 26, Journey to visit religious shrine 4. Cimabue's home town 33. The period most associated with the Crusades 34. Any wandering friar 36. Greek translation of Old Testament 8 Leaders in the Eastern Church The Magna Carta is kept here English style apse The ancient name of Constantinople w -, 0, SS Down aay A church that serves a bishop St Francis bore these wounds of Christ Charlemagne's palace city Famous monk who founded the abbey at Clairvaux Church designed as a magnificent reliquary dJustinian's home base church He commissioned the Coronation Gospel Emperor who issued the Edict of Milan Fake balcony Location of Monreale Cathedral Type of statue found flanking church doors First Bible in vernacular language Saint Peter's attribute Where the consecrated Eucharist is kept Emperor portrayed as Christ in art Church designed by Arnolfo di Cambio Home of bronze doors illustrating Genesis He's buried at Saint Etienne Called itself the "Third & Last Rome" Triangular support for lofty dome Picturesque Scottish castle Vaulting that employs pointed arches Another name for the Bishop of Rome Af. Home town of Saxon scholar, Alcuin wr RRR RARSE x RERRRRAERAK Don’t forget Page 4 on the backside of the crossword puzzle!!! >>>>>>>>> 200
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