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Graphing & Variables: Identifying Independents, Dependents, Error Types, & Basics - Prof. , Quizzes of Engineering

Various concepts related to graphing, including identifying independent and dependent variables, types of errors, and graphing basics. Topics include the difference between independent and dependent variables in various phrases, types of errors such as systematic, random, and gross errors, and guidelines for labeling axes and interpreting graphs. Students will also learn about the importance of accuracy and error in measurements.

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Download Graphing & Variables: Identifying Independents, Dependents, Error Types, & Basics - Prof. and more Quizzes Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! Independent vs. Dependent For the following phrase, which is the dependent variable? Measured filling time for various bucket sizes - bucket size - filling time For the following phrase, which is the independent variable? Temperature as a function of Pressure - Temperature - Pressure For the following phrase, which is the independent variable? speed versus fuel rate - speed - fuel rate Which is "the variable that can be controlled by the experimenter" ? - dependent variable - independent variable For the following phrase, which is the dependent variable? The influence of tire pressure on speed of a vehicle - tire pressure - speed Types of Error "Errors that exhibit regular or orderly behavior" are what type of errors? - gross errors - systematic errors - random errors - hysteresis errors Parallax and hysteresis are considered examples of which type of error? - systematic error - random error - gross error Which of the following are mostly likely to be classified as gross errors? You must choose all correct answers to receive credit for this question. - Incorrect data recording - Unsuitable instruments used - Vibration - Temperature Graphing Basics According to the guidelines given in Graphing Basics, which of these examples of axis labels is correctly written? Assume t is the symbol for time and s stands for second. - s, t, Time - Time t, s - Time (t, s) - t, Time, s Which of the following is the abscissa? - y-axis - x-axis Which of the following is the ordinate? - y-axis - x-axis You correctly plot your entire data set on a piece of semilog-y graph paper with one cycle. What does this imply? - Your y-axis data values span only one power of 10. - Your x-axis data values span only one power of 10. - Your y-axis data values span a range of 1 through 10. - Your x-axis data values span a range of 1 through 10. In general, the smallest divisions for the minor graduations on a scale should be selected based on which of the following rules? - 10,15,20 rule - 1,2,3 rule - 1,2,5 rule - 2.25,3.333,7.45 rule Graph Types Which type of graph is "used to show how quantities vary with angle" ? - 3-D surface graph - contour graph - polar graph - bar graph Which type of graph is "commonly used to show percentages or fractions of a whole in financial and business applications" ? - scatter graph - contour graph - pie graph - bar graph Which type of graph "is typically used to show distributions of quantities for purposes of statistical analysis" ? - scatter graph - pie graph - contour graph - bar graph
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