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Quiz 11 - Answer Key - Discrete Structures | CMSC 250, Quizzes of Discrete Structures and Graph Theory

Material Type: Quiz; Class: Discrete Structures; Subject: Computer Science; University: University of Maryland; Term: Unknown 1989;

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Download Quiz 11 - Answer Key - Discrete Structures | CMSC 250 and more Quizzes Discrete Structures and Graph Theory in PDF only on Docsity! CMSC 250 Quiz #11 ANSWERS Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2002 Write all answers legibly in the space provided. The number of points possible for each question is indicated in square brackets โ€“ the total number of points on the quiz is 30, and you will have exactly 15 minutes to complete this quiz. You may not use calculators, textbooks or any other aids during this quiz. 1. [12 pnts.] Prove or give a counter example to the following. For all sets A, B and C. If A โŠ† B and B โˆฉ C = โˆ…, then A โˆฉ C = โˆ…. Let A,B and C be generic particulars in {Sets} Assume A โŠ† B โˆง B โˆฉ C = โˆ… CASE 1(A = โˆ…): A โˆฉ C = โˆ… since any set intersected with the empty set is empty CASE 2 (A 6= โˆ…): Assume โˆƒx โˆˆ U, x โˆˆ A โˆฉ C Since x โˆˆ A โˆฉ C, x โˆˆ A โˆง x โˆˆ C by def. of set intersection x โˆˆ C by conjunctive simplification x โˆˆ A by conjunctive simplification Since x โˆˆ A and A โŠ† B, x โˆˆ B by def. of subset Since x โˆˆ C and x โˆˆ B, x โˆˆ BโˆฉA by def. of set intersection This is a contradiction since B โˆฉ C = โˆ… Our assumption was false, so it must be true that โˆผ โˆƒx โˆˆ U, x โˆˆ A โˆฉ C โˆ€x โˆˆ Ux 6โˆˆ A โˆฉ C by negation of quantified statement A โˆฉ C = โˆ… by definition of empty set A โŠ† B โˆง B โˆฉ C = โˆ… โ†’ A โˆฉ C = โˆ… by closing the conditional world without a contradiction โˆ€A,B,C โˆˆ {Sets}, A โŠ† B โˆง B โˆฉ C = โˆ… โ†’ A โˆฉ C = โˆ… by generalizing from the generic particular Alternative Answer: Goal: A โˆฉ C = โˆ… several rewrites of the goal: โˆผ โˆƒx โˆˆ U, x โˆˆ A โˆฉ C by definition of empty set โˆ€x โˆˆ U, x 6โˆˆ (A โˆฉ C) by negation of quantifier โˆ€x โˆˆ U, x โˆˆ (A โˆฉ C)โ€ฒ by definition of complement โˆ€x โˆˆ U, x โˆˆ Aโ€ฒ โˆจ x โˆˆ C โ€ฒ by DeMorganโ€™s โˆ€x โˆˆ U, x 6โˆˆ A โˆจ x 6โˆˆ C by definition of complement Let A, B, and C be generic particulars in {sets} Assume A โŠ† B โˆง B โˆฉ C = โˆ… A โŠ† B by conjunctive simplification โˆ€x โˆˆ U, x โˆˆ A โ†’ x โˆˆ B by def of subset B โˆฉ C = โˆ… by conjunctive simplification โˆผ โˆƒx โˆˆ U, x โˆˆ B โˆง x โˆˆ C by def. of empty set โˆ€x โˆˆ U,โˆผ (x โˆˆ B โˆง x โˆˆ C) by negation of quantification Let x be a generic particular in U x 6โˆˆ B โˆจ x 6โˆˆ C by DeMorganโ€™s Law from above and applying the generic particular x โˆˆ A โ†’ x โˆˆ B from above applying the generic particular x 6โˆˆ A โˆจ x โˆˆ B by alternative rep of implecation (x 6โˆˆ B โˆจ x 6โˆˆ C) โˆง (x 6โˆˆ A โˆจ x โˆˆ B) by conjunctive addition ((x 6โˆˆ A โˆจ x โˆˆ B) โˆง x 6โˆˆ B) โˆจ ((x 6โˆˆ A โˆจ x โˆˆ B) โˆง x 6โˆˆ C) by distribution (x โˆˆ A โˆง x 6โˆˆ B) โˆจ (x โˆˆ B โˆง x 6โˆˆ B) โˆจ (x 6โˆˆ A โˆง x 6โˆˆ C) โˆจ (x โˆˆ B โˆง x 6โˆˆ C) by distribution (x โˆˆ A โˆง x 6โˆˆ B) โˆจ (x 6โˆˆ A โˆง x 6โˆˆ C) โˆจ (x โˆˆ B โˆง x 6โˆˆ C) by removing the contradition from the disjunction Call the three parts of this disjunction Case1, Case2 and Case3 and show that the conclusion must be true in all three cases Case1 (x 6โˆˆ A โˆง x 6โˆˆ B): x 6โˆˆ A by conjunctive simplification x 6โˆˆ A โˆจ x 6โˆˆ C by disjunctive Addition Case2 (x 6โˆˆ A โˆง x 6โˆˆ C): x 6โˆˆ A by conjunctive simplification x 6โˆˆ A โˆจ x 6โˆˆ C by disjunctive Addition Case3 (x โˆˆ B โˆง x 6โˆˆ C): x 6โˆˆ C by conjunctive simplification x 6โˆˆ A โˆจ x 6โˆˆ C by disjunctive Addition Since x is a generic particular in all three cases, it must be true that โˆ€x โˆˆ U, x 6โˆˆ A โˆจ x 6โˆˆ C by generalizing from the generic particular QED since this is what we said we had as our goal
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