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Photosynthesis Quiz to Complete | Principles of Biology | BIOL 1105, Quizzes of Biology

photosynthesis quiz Material Type: Quiz; Professor: Nilsen; Class: Principles of Biology; Subject: Biological Sciences; University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University; Term: Fall 2008;

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Download Photosynthesis Quiz to Complete | Principles of Biology | BIOL 1105 and more Quizzes Biology in PDF only on Docsity! Photosynthesis Quiz 1. What reactions does Rubisco do? -fixes CO2 into PGA and O2 into PGA and PGAL 2. During photorespiration, rubisco uses _____________ as a substrate -oxygen 3. What is the correct flow of electrons in photosynthesis? -water, chrolophyll, electron transport molecules, NADP 4. The NADPH required for CO2 fixation is formed ___________________ -during the photochemical reactions 5. What is the main purpose of photosystem II? -to synthesize a strong hydrogen gradient 6. Why is chlorophyll considered the pigment most associated with photosynthesis? -its absorption spectrum matches the action spectrum of photosynthesis 7. The enzyme ATP synthase couple the synthesis of ATP to ______________ -the diffusion of hydrogen molecules across the thylakoid membrane 8. What process is used in the light harvesting apparatus to move energy from one chlorophyll to the next? -resonance transfer 9. What happens during the third and last phase of the Calvin cycle? -5, three-carbon sugar molecules are converted into 3, five- carbon molecules with the use of energy 10. What is the significance of the enzyme PEP carboxylase? -it can trap CO2 even at relatively low CO2 concentrations 11. What is linked to the primary function of photosystem I? -NADP reductase 12. Which wavelengths of light energy are utilized by photsynthesis? -400-700 nm 13. In both photosynthesis and respiration, hydrogen ions are pumped across a membrane during ______________________ -electron transport 14. In the Hill reaction, water is used for ___________________ -the source of electrons 15. Which organism should have the highest water use efficiency? (ratio of carbon dioxide accumulated to water lost) -a C4 plant
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