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Practice Quiz with Answer Key - Legal Environment of Business | FIN 3055, Quizzes of Business and Labour Law

Constitutional Law Material Type: Quiz; Professor: Smith; Class: Legal Environment of Business; Subject: Finance, Insurance, and Business; University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University; Term: Fall 2007;

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Download Practice Quiz with Answer Key - Legal Environment of Business | FIN 3055 and more Quizzes Business and Labour Law in PDF only on Docsity! Quiz Constitutional Law 1. Which of the following branches of government has the power te declare war, ® the Congress B. the President C. the Supreme Court 2. Which government has the power to regulate interstate commerce. A the Federal Government B. State Governments Cc. Both State and Federal governments have concurrent jurisdiction (they both may regulate interstate commerce) 3. Federal law requires cigarettes to carry warnings such as “Cigarettes Cause Cancer.” The State of Oregon decides io require that cigarettes also carry the message “Cigarettes May Cause Impotence.” The Oregon Jaw witl be declared void if AL There is a conflict between the federal and state statute B, Congress declares it has exclusive jurisdiction <<) Either A or B D. Congress does not have the power to dociare state laws void 4. John Doe is an official with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). At a professional seminar, John Doe answers a question by saying, “I think both Clinton and Bush are idiots. They do not understand the law and don’t want to really punish corporate misbehavior.” Bill Clinton calls George Bush and says, “if 1 were you I would fire that guy.” The SEC is an independent regulatory commission under the executive branch. President Bush can A. remove John Doe with or without cause @® remove John Doe only if there is just cause Cc President Bush has 10 power to remove John Doe 5. The doctrine of Judicial Review is based on A. An enumerated (written) power granted to the Supreme Court under the Constitution to decide whether the government acts Constitutionally B® A Supreme Court case C, BohA&B 6. The Bill of Rights (first 10 Amendments to the Constitution) is intended to protect individuals against actions by B® The Federal Government B. Corporations GQ Private Individuals D. Alf of the Above 7. Under the Substantive Due Process doctrine, there can never be a law that limits a fundamental right A. Tue (BY False
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