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Basic Electrical Engineering Solved Exam | E C E 307, Exams of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Material Type: Exam; Class: BASIC ELECT ENGR; Subject: ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING; University: Clemson University; Term: Spring 2005;

Typology: Exams

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Uploaded on 07/28/2009

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Download Basic Electrical Engineering Solved Exam | E C E 307 and more Exams Electrical and Electronics Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! ECE Sot Ex : Spm sos Nase, KEM 4 bade P= lea Vf) = /oa R'cos (oot +0) Vi= 240 V2’ cos (Joot 95 (/o0t —/.20° UV, = 2 18012'c05 (wot _aue) Zo2 = ) 2 yok Zp R C Or e > . - ons 1G q ‘5 ond Combine a3 ta Series | Vv. = QYhA L347° Ls polar Vin'= <a40 pe LB,0%9) Fe aa) + os Jo —duof-le + Fi AB)G4) s)-° oC T, (24s) + 489 J:2% - rm )ve | i, BY, = (54594, + 654 Hy Joa. 0 at (s+ yt, + (ty) i 634.470315 [-.196 1" a o304 /-[k4-018 2 = \95317154.34° ai oH, Eso 2 £45, 231 154,84 £0.29 8L: 103,631° — Ng ~ WW Vf) = 2 b= foo fa'c s (toot: 70) V9= 240¥2' Cos (Joot ~/20°) VQ) = 180 V2 cos (loot ave)’ ptlar \ Mart = 12 [NT SS me, Ho > ) = Von pol 4 Vi - 24% deo | V0 = 780 rat O 2 -y 34 5S 74 yo if Cale LS 24.2 {108.3 2 (ne ” ) V, 7 Vain = 5.3 -IS4.9° = 4 u
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