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biology chapter 6 and 7 | BIOL - Biology 1 - Introduction, Quizzes of Biology

chapter 6 and 7 Class: BIOL - Biology 1 - Introduction; Subject: Biology / Biological Sciences; University: Macon State College; Term: Forever 1989;

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ndeckbar09 🇺🇸

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Download biology chapter 6 and 7 | BIOL - Biology 1 - Introduction and more Quizzes Biology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 When is NADPH made during light reactions? DEFINITION 1 NADPH is made after photosystem I TERM 2 In light reactions, what connects photosystems I and II? DEFINITION 2 The Electron Transport Chain TERM 3 What does the stoma do? DEFINITION 3 Converts chemical energy to sugar TERM 4 What is the enzyme that oxidizes glucose? DEFINITION 4 Dehydrogenase TERM 5 What two things are involved in oxidizing glucose? DEFINITION 5 Dehydrogenase and NAD(plus) TERM 6 What powers ATP in light reactions? DEFINITION 6 chemiosmosis TERM 7 In photosynthesis what is oxidized and what is reduced? DEFINITION 7 CO2 and glucose are reduced water and oxygen are oxidized TERM 8 What are the products of the Kreb's Cycle? DEFINITION 8 2 ATP 6NADH 2FADH 4CO2 TERM 9 What is made in one turn of the citric acid cycle? DEFINITION 9 1 ATP 3 NADH 1 FADH 2 CO2 TERM 10 What is the process in which ATP is generated during Krebs cycle? DEFINITION 10 substrate-level phosphorylation
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