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History 2111 | HIST - US History, Quizzes of United States History

US History to 1850 Class: HIST - US History; Subject: History; University: Macon State College; Term: Forever 1989;

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Download History 2111 | HIST - US History and more Quizzes United States History in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Articles of Confederation DEFINITION 1 The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union, customarily referred to as the Articles of Confederation, was the first constitution of the United States of America and legally established the union of the states. It was not strong enough to hold our nation together. It operated the US as seperate states. It was very hard to pass laws TERM 2 Compromise of 1850 DEFINITION 2 North of the 36 degree parrallel Bills that would try to have both the North and South a peice of what they wanted. They both voted against it. TERM 3 Civil War DEFINITION 3 The American Civil War (1861-1865), also known as the War Between the States as well as several other names, was a civil war in the United States of America. The seizing property control in Fort Sumter(S.C.) began the war. Some against slavery thought is was b/c of slavery. The Emancipation Proclamation did not end slavery, the 13th Amendment was ratified then it ended. TERM 4 17th/18th Century Though DEFINITION 4 Locke: we are naturally induced to seek each other Hobbes: everyone is against every other man God was POWERFUL but REMOVED Cyclical Thought-all societies go through the same proess but not at the same rate (from Birth/Childhood, Teenagers/Young Adults, Middle Age, Old Age, then Death) [universlists] life starts and ends; [WEALTH]:rare and limited TERM 5 19th Century Thought DEFINITION 5 [DARWIN THOUGHT]: life starts and never ends they focused on INDIVIDUALS more; made death a final event [WEALTH]:is unlimited gained more advantages w/ inventions & patents;
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